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Old 04-18-2018, 10:21 PM   #673
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Default Re: Recommend me some 2018 albums halp

Day 450: Invasion of Privacy by Cardi B (Album Choice: Jeremy L. and J. S. (name so esoteric I felt obligated to use initials for privacy))

My school won the Tinder swipe-off, where the university with the most right swipes gets a free Cardi B concert.

On a motherfucking Wednesday.

And you bet your ass that I'm gonna go get my ticket tomorrow, because hell, Bodak Yellow annoys the living shit out of me, but no matter what free kicks the everloving shit out of $120+ to say I saw her within my lifetime. And everyone around me is saying this album is surprisingly fire, my internet music nerd friends, my poor Bostonian friends, my white-privileged Bostonian friends, even my fellow Bodak Yellow haters. The only people who have talked shit about it to me haven't even listened to it, they're just biased against the artist for whatever reason ("man all she does is rap about HOE SHIT, maan" well yeah but don't all rappers?). Anyways, let's get this going while I continue on my homework. I predict that I'll enjoy this album a decent amount, but it definitely won't reach the heights of Isolation. It just isn't possible for that to happen on first listen, mainly for the incredibly stupid reason that I find Kali Uchis more attractive than just about any other popular musician right now... Shallow, I know, cut me some slack I'm a hormonal 20-year-old with shitty social skills.

I wasn't exactly sold by the first track, but the following two tracks are exactly the bouncy kind of fun I was hoping for.

And then yup, I still don't like Bodak Yellow. Also, this Chance the Rapper song is fucking ruined by Chance the Rapper, who I actually like. The other features aren't nearly as song-trashing, but they're mostly superfluous minus Kehlani, who adds a much appreciated smooth, sexy touch to one of the softer tracks. Even SZA feels irrelevant to the song, which is a big disappointment.

But besides those minor gripes, this is loaded to the brim with fun, energetic bangers. It's not even close to flawless, mind you, but I can see myself enjoying this concert a lot, so I think this album accomplished its mission. There are also some more melodic pop tracks like Ring and Thru Your Phone, which are good for all intents and purposes (except the latter of the ones I mentioned) but I don't see myself enjoying those live much at all. Either way, good album with only a couple of actively agitating tracks.

Best Track: I Like It (now THAT's a fire beat)
Rating: 7/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

Hey, we need some users on this site. Please join.

And if you have not recommended any albums yet, do so. Please. I have a goal to reach. Here.
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