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Old 12-21-2017, 07:49 PM   #1399
Picker @ JAX2
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Default Re: TWG CLXXIV - Sounds Like You've got a Problem. - Game Thread

Originally Posted by TWGma View Post
Finally home from work, and I feel as sick as ever, and they kept us for a 2 hour meeting FUCK.

Hi Haku. As cool as you are, I have a question for Roundbox and inD that you can't answer.


There was an Ace Attorney game that I subbed into as a wolf in place of (shocker) reuben_tate. I know inD played it, and I know roundbox hosted it (duh).

My question is, if you can remember, how similarly did reuben play in that game to how he played in this one before (once again) getting replaced out?
he made posts that made people feel good about him early, including a rather long one on a small thing and this one where he noticed a thing

by quantity a lot of his posts were still fillery, but yeah i'd say he can be a slippery penguin

reading back he apparently did what i now call The Thing after someone else called it that, where while you're catching up you ask "what's the case on <insert name of lead wagon>" or some variant, in that game

would almost say he had more presence in the one day he played of that game than here
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