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Old 11-26-2017, 09:16 PM   #592
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Default Re: 365 Reviews Done

Day 415: New Energy by Four Tet

I've admittedly listened to this guy less than I probably should have, considering how much I've enjoyed all the shit I've checked out. Rounds is the best album, obviously, but goddamn if my favorite isn't No More Mosquitos, slow jam to end all slow jams with a groovy effing bass line and some phenomenal psychedelic acoustic in there, THAT'S some good folktronica. Besides those two albums, not much else. The most recent thing (chronologically) I've listened to is Ringer which was some pretty dope dance music but not nearly as revelatory.

While this feels more in line with that last one, at least mood-wise, it's got a little bit of all his styles I've heard minus trip hop, and probably many others I haven't checked out. The more folk-influenced tracks are the winners tonight. They're mildly hit-or-miss and don't reach the earlier peaks of stuff like Slow Jam, mainly because they feel a lot safer, but they're pretty, Lush and especially You Are Loved in particular. Most of the rest is a sort of IDM house vibe, whatever the hell that means or whatever Microhouse actually is. It's... also hit-or-miss, not quite danceable for my style and some of the tracks go on too long. I feel like I'm shitting on this album too much, bevause I really do enjoy it, but it's nowhere near his older stuff and feels a bit unchallenging. To be a bit positive, some of the more dance-esque tracks do a good job of combining build-up with beats you can move to, which makes seeing this guy live sound all the more appealing.

Either way, a very relaxing, pleasant listen, but not the most necessary of Kieran's drops. Still, I know I'm gonna be bumping this for a little while, so a high score it gets.

Best Track: You Are Loved
Rating: 7/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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