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Old 11-24-2017, 09:40 PM   #157
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Default Re: "Play/Test/Judge my simfile" thread V2

Originally Posted by ositzxz369 View Post
Name: Aamelotasis
Style: 4key
Length: 5:49
Difficulty: 60-70 in FFR

My first attempt at stepping a song for FFR (first time uploading here also). This is a rough draft. Has mp3/SM files. Song author is Venetian Snares. If it matters, I used speed C550 and Judge 3 when making and playtesting this.

Feedback on song accuracy and assistance on stepping the weird patterns mentioned below - are welcome. Also I want to put the Terms & the Notes Below into a Show/Hide box, but I don't know how to do that.

Terms for the Notes Below:
Rows: The numbered line I see when editing the song in Stepmania 5.
INS: “Intentionally not stepping” a specific sound in a section either because it’d make the stepfile look cleaner or because I don’t know how to step it to make it fit (usually the latter).
W-w-w: “Weo-wah-wah”, my onomatopoeia for this one sound pattern.
Left swipe: The way I hit the numpad when the four wah’s or “[2]-[1]”s appear right after the w-w-w’s.
Snake: Long, wavy staircases.

Notes Below:
1. No mini-jacks on buzzes unless there's a drum beat to it.
2. The jumps and hands are usually [14] and [134] because they’re easier to hit one-handed.
3. INS - silent snares on row 41-49.
4. INS - 1+2 (3) drumbeat arrows on row 59.5-60.
5. INS - w-w-w’s and left swipes on row 64.5-69.
6. Not sure if the arrow pattern on row 72.5-73.5 is correct, but it could be cooler anyways.
7. INS - w-w-w on row 85-85.5.
8. INS - down-ups similar to row 102-111's on row 112-117.
9. INS – snake similar to row 123-124/125.5-126.5’s on row 128-129.
10. INS - 1+1 (2) drumbeat arrows on row 131-131.5.
11. INS - snake on row 133-134.
12. How to step rows 136-136.5/138-138.5/141-141.5, also make it cooler?
13. Unsure of the layering on row 145.5-147.
14. INS - w-w-w on row 156-156.5.
15. Unsure of the layering of row 156.75-157.25.
16. Row 158.25-158.75 isn't supposed to be a 32th staircase. Can be cooler.
17. INS - w-w-w on row 166-167.
18. INS - w-w-w on row 176-177.
19. Should I pick the style of alternating jumps on row 161.5-162.5 or row 182-183?
20. INS - w-w-w on row 186-187.
21. How to step the “bass drop/microphone slap” on row 191.5-192.25?
22. INS - 3+2 (5) drumbeat arrows on row 192.5-193.
23. INS - w-w-w on row 196-197.
24. Unsure of the chopped-up snake on row 196.5-197.5.
First and foremost your sync is wrong.

You're looking more for 170BPM with a -0.171 offset.

But to sum up the problems with your file: it lacks a structure. I don't understand at a glance your intentions of what you want the player to be playing.

But let me get you going in the right direction.

This link will give you a fixed sync copy of your file, where I also copy pasted your notes to be as close to where they were as the program could. It's going to be massively wrong, but I did it for you to have something to reference.

It also has a download of Arrow Vortex in it. I'm not well versed in it enough to help you, but if you join the FFR Discord server, there are plenty of people in the simfiles section of the chat who could give you a very good rundown (since now that I think on it, no one's made a guide for it yet.) Learning Arrow Vortex now will help you a lot in being able to sync songs.

I think now that you have a fixed sync, and when you go to fix it to that sync, you'll find / fix a lot of your own mistakes as you do it. Unfortunately, If you're making a one handed file for this song as you sorta implied, I don't think I've got the know-how to help you. Though maybe Bmah would be a person to ask, he made a one handed file that I played once so I he'd know more than me. Or maybe the player Bynary Fission if he's still around.

But best of luck.

Last edited by XelNya; 11-24-2017 at 09:41 PM..
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