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Old 11-16-2017, 09:08 PM   #14
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Default Re: why do people hate on osu!mania??

Originally Posted by mrdawn2 View Post
everywhere i look on forums people just hate on osu all the time?
why hate? it has lots of good things like a automatic rating system (star rate) which current sm 5 does not have nor ffr
it also has a nice leaderboard system which are counted off pp which is very well maintained and is still is gonna have a massive overhaul to make it even better.
together with having lots of different types of maps (from one to ten keys!) i dont see any reason to dislike it.
I want to address OP as well.
People hate on osu for the same reasons people hate on stepmania. It's mostly because we (communities) can not set aside our differences and just have a good time. There have been hot arguments between the the 2 communities over trivial things that most often boils down to petty differences. Everyone is guilty, and we (communities) should take a mature step back and really take a hard look at each other. Neither game is bad, neither community wants to be the bad guys, but we all wind up rubbing off that way. You say you see hate on the forums all the time, it's most likely the vocal minority speaking here. Please if you want to enjoy stepmania you are absolutely welcome to come and play, the same should go for anyone wanting to play osumania; and if not then let it be water under the bridge.

I still stand by the leaderboards and star rating system are not especially important for osumania, the same for leaderboards and etterna rating system in etterna/stepmania. This is not to undermine anyone elses work on trying to build a good rating system, it's an incredibly useful tool to have to know approximately how hard something will be before you play it. But at the end of the day, the true value of either game is your own personally defined experience, how much fun you have, and what you want from the game.

Osumania has great support for 4k and 7k, along with other game modes, osu is not 100% core focused around 4k play, while stepmania pretty much is (and pretty good 6k play). This is where a lot of differences and arguments stem from, the simple matter of the fact is osu is not stepmania and never will be, and the same goes for stepmania never being osu. Osu is a whole package, taiko, osu standard, mania, ctb, there's so much variety, it's so open for many players, there's so much content, but on that same note stepmania has many more years of content specifically catered towards mostly 4k. Stepmania likely has the better 4k experience, but osumania i don't think is very far behind, we stand on the shoulders of giants, and progress has always been a way forward, both games are constantly generating user content. I think such dedication is beautiful, i welcome it with open heart and mind, and i enjoy both games.

Last edited by icontrolyourworld; 11-16-2017 at 09:10 PM..
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