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Old 10-15-2017, 12:02 PM   #45
FFR Player
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Default Re: While we're at it, why not Stepping Stones 4? (Released!)

Originally Posted by Arntonach View Post
I think if someone was in denial about a fault of theirs, that'd be a bad thing. Are you talking about bias?
i was shitposting


im bored so ill chip in with the reviews.

Only palyed the hardest diff for each file. Also, I don't play solo. 4k only, sorry kids.

Abandoned Art - Starts off strong, then gets repettitive. The gap at the end is super boring and way too long. Also file is right hand bias by a fair margin for the first 2/3 of it.

Alone - Those gluts are way harder than anything else in the file for the rating the file has. Ending was kinda dull. Intro was super promising though. (Gluts can be excused if they were meant to be bursty, but I don't think the sounds they went to justified it)

Anaconda - Super repetitive, but that's what the song itself is so its kinda justified. Difficulty felt all over the place, and the patterns for the drums never really changed. It was the same patterns repeated from what i could tell.

Belly Dance - Not much to say here. It works, but the song itself is dull.

Dithering - Some patterns felt off, but overall really fun. (Felt kinda empty comparred to the intense nature of the song though?)

Exite Bike - Absolute dogshit through and through

Fantastique - Fucking great song. File was p fun too, but the second half was harder than the first. It's justified by the intensity of the song, but still something to note.

Fly - Super fucking dull. Solo stuff was fun though.

For Father - Awful song. Boring patterns for 2/3 of it, and some notes felt like they were going to nothing. Last segment was really nice though.

Futuristic Love - Some awkward patterns, but that's just me. File was k_hand: (I liked it a lot)

Happy H. Christmas - ...boring.

Hold it Down - HELL YES. This song is fucking amazing. Patterns mixed well with the flow of the vocals along with the nature of the song. Some sections felt awkward but were justified by the music itself. Good file.

Huge Upside Down Squirrel - Difficulty of this was all over the place, but the file was really fun.

I Want You - Not bad. Bursts were fitting but spikey, file was overall pretty fun. Song was bad tho.

Ishukan Communication - Fuck off. Weeb.

Kleos - Felt like it was trying to be a dump file but couldnt. It felt half-dump half-legit file... Not a fan.

Leraine - Intro was way too long - and empty. Ending was too easy in comparrison to the rest of the file.

Minamichita EVOLVED - I forgot to check who stepped this file but during it I thought this felt like ele's patterning (In a good way). I was right. File is really fun, song is nice too. The intro is a meme and I love it. Those splithand trils near the end were funny too.

Nemesis - Fun. Song is really nice. Gap in the middle was boring but that's unavoidable because of the song.

Palpitations - No thanks. Not even playing this one. scrwe Kpop or whatever this is.

Passage D - Piano overpowered the beat in some places but wasn't stepped at all. File was basically the exact same thing all the way through with barly any deviation. Song itself would've been way better without the beat.

Pixel Tree - First half was fun but inconsistant, second half was really dull in comparrison.

Plasma Gun - meame jackz

Play Time!! -seriuz time! GOD Korz-K is so fucking shit. Anyway, file is super fun. Those bursts were nice, but the overall difficulty is REALLY inconsistant (Just like the quality of the song HUAHA!). Overall pretty fun.

Profession - Those bursts were fucking awful. Yes they're just roles, but they don't fit in the slightest. They're like 3x harder than everything else in the file and don't work. The ending especially.

Sakasama No Chou - My own file. Could have played on the vocal tones a bit rather than it just being 1 note per syllable. I regret that a fair bit. It would've been neat.

Seaside Labyrinth - Funky. bursts were kinda hard comparred to the rest of the file but that's understandable considering what they went to.

Shelter - Fun, simple, rates really well. Just kinda repetitive, but the song itself is so that's justified.

Hydrocity zone act 2 - Fun. Felt awkward at times though.

Studiopolis zone act 1 - Those gluts don't work. They're way harder than the rest of the file. File was good tho.

Studiopolis zone act 2 - Good song. Fun. Funky, has some weird sections but they were justified.

UFO Special Stage - This was good. Real good.

Strayer - 1 of the bursts felt super off, the rest were great. The jack/gluts near the end were a huge, huge difficulty spike, but I loved them.

Surf on the Light - The spike near the end is stupid, the rest of the file was consistant.

Surrender - Seriously dull.

TELECASTER STRIPES - Fun jacks. Inconsistant difficulty, boring song.

The Govt. Knows - ...I feel enlightened. The file was hilarious too. Good shit.

The Schism - I love this kinda shit. Super bias here but this is the kidna shit I shitpost with. Good stuff

Underground River - One of my files. Could have userd more dynamic/freeform patterning, or more patterns in general to show the amotpsheric nature of the file.

Une Mage Blanche - First half was fantastic. I quit out second half it was so bad. No thanks.

Utopia - I dont know how you managed to get a 1 minute long song to feel like its taking forever, but well done. (Actual file thoughts? Boring, but accurate to the song.)

We Good - *pops a cap in ur ass* YUH that's some good shit

WoW!! - No.
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