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Old 09-18-2017, 06:52 PM   #1
D7 Elite Keymasher
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Default this is a thing that may be at least partially interesting for some people

Yo dawg, this is a thing that does things that I made because I was bored. (it actually shows the average of top x scores of y skillset of every day since your profile was made)

Use should be pretty self-explanatory, click the import profile button and select your etterna.xml which is the new save format for etterna .55. I’ve not tested it and am not going to but I’m sure it won’t work with stats.xml files so don’t try. Depending on the size of your profile it will probably take a few seconds to load. Click on any of the points on the graph to see the scores which were achieved that day and then you can screw around with the buttons under the text box to do things. By default the graph shows the average of top 3 overall scores each day, this can be changed by changing the text in the boxes at the bottom and then clicking the update button which is beside it. For the skillset box just type the name of the skillset with no spaces. The scores to be averaged box should just contain a positive integer ranging from 1 to 2147483647. Days which contain less scores than this number will just be displayed as 0. Don’t type stupid crap into the boxes if you don’t want everything to blow up. I think I covered most things but I’m sure there’s still about 97 million ways to destroy everything. Don’t try to upload multiple profiles, that certainly falls under the “stupid crap” category and will definitely destroy everything. I might update this in the future if I feel like it. Maybe.

This should work but if it doesn't I might try to fix it.
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