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Old 06-2-2017, 03:51 PM   #45
FFR Player
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Posts: 102
Default Re: NorthStrong's Training Log

Figured I might as well post a bit of training in here. Here is what's been going on in a nutshell..

Recent history of training.

Last meet was December 3rd, 2016. Totaled 1224 by the way of 457 + 314 + 452. Hurt my back pretty badly before this meet so my deadlift and squat were way down from what they should've been. Bench was good though. (Hit 452 for a double with one left in the tank in training before this meet on the squat).

I was going to do a single ply meet in February 2017, but was unable to due to logistic reasons, although I hit a 575 squat and 395 bench in training, but didn't do almost any deadlifting due to the back injury (slight QL tear if I am guessing).

January 2017 - was 240lb, and started to cut.
February 2017 - Hurt the posterolateral aspect of my left knee (back and outside part), and I was unable to do any decent training for the next while on the squat, although I did still train.
March 2017 - more of the same, althouh I hit 315x15 high bar squat which was ok.
April 2017 - Graduated university, trianing a bit chaotic, but my BW was down to 219 ish by now, so about 20lb lost since January. Go to Cuba for a week at the end of the month.

May 2017 - Back from Cuba on May 6th, started actually training again on May 8th. Did one 3 week cycle, and now I am on cycle 2, and here we are..

Hope I can have a few of you along for the ride. Current training program is hypertrophy oriented (with a clear powerlifting focus), and I'm trying to diet down to about 200lb. Weighing about 220-222 right now.

So now we pick up on Cycle 2... I'll post Monday / Tuesday / Thursday's workouts, then post tonight's when it's done.
SCWolf's chitty powerlifting friend
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