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Old 05-12-2017, 01:47 PM   #11
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Default Re: Public opinion poll on Etterna Chord cohesion removal

Alright, so first thing worth pointing out is that chord cohesion is likely not going to be done away with altogether to begin with. It is currently a preference.ini value that can be set either to 0 or 1, and honestly, given the fact that the removal of CC is clearly a highly-divisive topic, I very much doubt that it would be forcefully carried out in any and all future build releases to come.

The second thing to address lies in how this will affect the average newcomer to the game.

All it takes at this point is, "hey, should I play with CC on or off?" from such a person in order for hell to break loose, in light of the plethora of different conflicting answers that they would receive - lurker very much brings up a valid point in that regard.

My personal answer to that question is the following: I honestly do not see how less-experienced players within the game can benefit at all from disabling CC, as their playstyles lack the requisite physical control to even make anything out of the added visual feedback.

Because that's literally the point of disabling CC in the first place: increased reading and error detection resolution.
But, in order to make anything notably tangible out of it, you need to reach a certain level of reading and physical control first.

To illustrate my personal case, I have no reason whatsoever to be switching CC off until I reach the point where I can do the following without physically overstraining too much:

1- Fix my trilling control issues and begin to slice through JS consistently, and...
2- Reach a point where I can actually go for 97+ scores on 24+ msd level chordjacking stuff consistently.

If you are targeting cutting-edge AAs on dense chordjacking files regardless of how good you are, you are actually better off enabling CC.
If you are learning how to play jumpstream or handstream without splitting chords left and right all the time, you are definitely better off enabling CC.

My viewpoint is quite honestly not one that appears to be held, let alone publicized very often, as the SMOC community is pretty much doing their own thing, and Mina himself doesn't hold a very high opinion of chordjacking in the first place.

But, I feel that my perspective on the matter does hold capability in regards to assessing things in a manner that can be clear enough to both newcomers and seasoned players alike. That being said, if there are any fundamental flaws in my reasoning, then by all means go ahead and point them out for me.

I am generally reluctant to voice my opinion on such things due to the off-chance of it being unheard or making zero difference whatsoever, but in this case I'm willing to go for it as I have been meaning to do so eventually anyway.

To address the OP however, I do feel that scaled points are very much the preferable choice under the context of CC being disabled - that is primarily because of unscaled scores being far too different from CC-on scores, not to mention that being able to draw comparisons between CC-on and scaled CC-off scores far outweighs the benefits of resorting to unscaled CC-off... that is, if such benefits even exist at all to begin with.

Last edited by DeadSignal; 05-12-2017 at 01:50 PM..
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