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Old 09-15-2005, 04:53 PM   #2
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Default RE: You guys program?

I program in: Flash, PHP, Java, C++, C#, ASM (Z80 & learning x86). (HTML and CSS as well although that isnt programming).

Flash: 01234567( 8 )9 [3 years]
PHP: 0123456( 7 )89 [1.5 years]
Java: 01234( 5 )6789 [.75 years]
C++: 01234567( 8 )9 [1.25 year]
C#: 01234( 5 )6789 [.75 years]
ASM (Z80): 01234( 5 )6789 [1 year]

I have switched from doing programming on a web perspective (Flash, PHP, etc) to doing C++ and ASM in the past year or so. Right now I am currently working on a 3D graphics wrapper class library for DirectX as well as handling 2D sprites. After that, I am going to work on a real time strategy game that will be 3D. I have also worked on (And still finishing up) a library of classes for C++ such as String, List, Dictionary, File, FileStream, and Vector2D and Vector3D. (List, Dictionary, and both vectors are template classes so they can be used in many settings).


EDIT: Oh yea, I forgot to say that the only reason I consider Java a 6 is because of C#... I took the AP CS A exam and got a 5... Never bothered to learn Java really.
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