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Old 04-21-2017, 01:34 PM   #231
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Default Re: How many of you guys who have been around for longer than 10 years still are arou

My first account is turning 10 on may 7th, so i'm close enough I think.
To be fair I was nobody back then and still am now, but I still play enough to say I'm atleast somewhat active.

I was an illegal member back in the day (under 13, more specifically 10 years old)
So most of my memories from the early days are gone, But I do remember how stuff used to be, there was alot more active players.

But because of etienne and staiain being on agdq that one time.
It's starting to feel a little more like it used to, more active players, community praising, etc.
I have advanced with the times and learned to love the community for how it is though, so it's no biggie if anything massive changes.

Last edited by Aciid; 04-21-2017 at 01:35 PM.. Reason: Formatting
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