Thread: Zelda BotW
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Old 04-3-2017, 03:12 PM   #6
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Default Re: Zelda BotW

game looks gorgeous and I was going to try to emulate for pc based on initial impressions/hype
gameplay looks tedious and unfulfilling based on hours of various twitch streams
choof's description of skyrim x oot is pretty damning for me (both were unmemorably "mehh")

actually the only reason I keep streams for the game open in the background is because the scoring/sfx for the game are so fucking amazing they actually add atmosphere to whatever else I'm doing on the pc

I just quickly looked up the first hit for a review and this pretty much tells me everything I need to know about the game

my guess is the critics
- mistake meshing two gameplay paradigms for genuine innovation
- over-emphasize atmposhere
- treat creativity as universally positive while ignoring any negative consequences
- downplay the effect of gameplay negatives

while users
- actually play the game

so your opinion is not wildly unpopular (barring abuse of the user rating system I guess) and from what I've seen I would peg it as a 7.5/8 at best

tbh there's way too much fanboyism around established franchises in general and nintendo seems to get the worst of it (or perhaps, are the best at playing to the needs/wants of their fanbase?)

edit: wow I just realized the last time I looked at a review for a game was in like... 1996...

Last edited by MinaciousGrace; 04-3-2017 at 03:21 PM..
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