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Old 04-1-2017, 08:47 PM   #17
FFR Player
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Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 16
Default Re: Are you guys playing one- or twohanded?

When I started out I played with one hand. I remember struggling on about level 25-30 songs because i couldn't move my hand that fast. And then players started to tell me to play with two hands, saying that it was much easier. I didn't believe them but since i was new i thought i would give it a shot. My skill dropped considerably at first. Couldn't play anything above level 10 about. But after a few weeks of practice i was struggling around level 40-50 instead of level 30. So i would say two hands are better, a lot easier with complex patterns and uneven patterns but it has its disadvantages with trills and jacks. Or maybe that's just my own personal struggles but hey, unless you are like one of the top 100 players i say go for it, try it for a few weeks at least, get around 100hrs in and if you don't like it then go back to one hand. Cant really hurt right?

Last edited by SNOWLEGEND; 04-1-2017 at 08:48 PM..
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