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Old 03-20-2017, 01:12 PM   #139
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 191
Default Re: TWG CLXV Postgame

Originally Posted by AragakiAyase View Post
strongly disagree, it's information that is pertinent to the game and it has been widely used, just not in this form.
idk mang I think there's a difference in what charu did and simply scrolling down to the bottom of a game page or lurker at night to see who pops in

Think of every read or thought that anyone has ever made related to someone showing up in the bottom "Users Viewing" bar. There was even one time that lurker called me a wolf for being in thread prior to the nightkill flip. So I think it's totally fair game, but not in the spirit of TWG.
but I'll agree that it's not in the spirit of twg and it's stupid that we even have players, sometimes good players, using these kinds of informations

the game should be strictly in the thread imo and if there's no way to accommodate that then we should switch to a different format
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