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Old 02-7-2017, 03:40 PM   #67
ur worst nitemare
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Default Re: Xoon Legacy Pack Released

I've been playing StepMania on and off for about 12 years now. Every year, something comes out that makes me say to myself, "Wow, I've never seen that before." This pack made me say that too... but not in a good way. When I first opened this pack, I was surprised by the range of difficulty. I don't think I've seen a file where the only difficulty was a 7 in years, and this goes all the way up to 16 (well, not including the joke difficulty). I've managed to pass a few 12s recently, but I figured I'd try one of the 7s for the heck of it. So it started. The first few notes has some weird freezes on them. Then, the double steps came in. I figured, okay, this is just a chart made by someone who's really new to the game, right? He probably saw some of the freezes in the r21 packs and thought he was doing a good job of copying them. Well... then this happened:

What. The. Fuck.

I tried the other 7s and 8s. All of them were exactly the same. It's like no one who contributed to this pack had ever seen a dance pad before. At this point I put away my Cobalt Flux and tried playing on the keyboard. I mean, I know it isn't kosher, but I've passed a few Cranked Pastry songs on it before so I figured I'd be fine, right? Wrong. The 7s were still extremely tough to pass. I checked the first file in the pack for a laugh. It has 250 BPM crossovers in the first measure.

Who the hell is this supposed to be for? Is it for idiots who copy that double index thing Porter Robinson uses? Is it for people even worse than that? I can't imagine who would find any of these files playable, let alone fun.

Since the charts are an automatic zero across the board for me, I guess I have to comment on the rest of the package as well. The music is ridiculously hit-or-miss. There are some artists I really enjoy, like Nhato and Camellia. A lot of the rest is just... weird. Stuff like that turtle song shouldn't even exist, and I'm in complete disbelief that someone thought stepping Slipknot was a good idea. The graphics are also really hit-or-miss. It would've been a lot better with just a set of pack graphics- I don't think the effort was worth it. Seven of these files don't even have charts, and they're the best song choices in this entire pack, too.

Anyway, this is the worst thing I've ever downloaded. I don't think it's worth offering any advice to you all. You guys just have no idea what you're doing, and you seem too far gone to ever get a clue.
some feathery f**k
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