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Old 12-10-2016, 09:28 AM   #115
The Puerto Rico of D7
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Default Re: Kawaii025's Tournament of Randomness

Originally Posted by Hakulyte View Post
I'm stuck playing oppIrish or Undici. The irony of round 1.
On that note, I think I know what the problem with this round is, or rather, a way to make the problem less of one. It isn't really an issue with the round itself, but more of an issue in the scoring system and the bonus points for AAA'ing, SDG'ing, and FC'ing. They're too small, especially for the higher divisions.

Considering 1000 points is only equivalent to 20 extra notes, the addition of it can be voided, even in D1, by playing a song of the same difficulty with only 20 more notes in the song. Since in higher divisions, maps can get up to 3000 notes within 3 and a half minutes, this automatically makes maps with less than 2980 notes not viable, even if they're easier to FC or even AAA.

This problem (at least in the case of division 6) can be lessened by changing the bonus points to be multiplied through instead of added to the total. Say the multipliers were as follows:
AAA: 1.5x
SDG: 1.25x
FC: 1.1x
Else: 1.0x
This would make more maps viable to players.

Take Return to Fire, a map with 2449 notes for a total of 122,450 points if it were AAA'd. As a D6 player, I'm not sure if I could AAA this, but I can SDG it. Take about 150 points out (6 goods worth of points) and multiply the total by the 1.25 multiplier stated above, and you reach a total of 152,875, which is definitely a higher total than D6 players would be able to get on oppIrish, which could be estimated around 149,000 points. If someone were able to say FC oppIrish, however, this total could be greatly increased to about 160,000, meaning that oppIrish is still viable, just harder to get a higher amount of points, which it should be, since the song is more difficult.

Now, I'm not saying that doing exactly this would be balanced; the multiplier value would probably need to change to make it more realistic and include more viable songs and the later rounds would have to take into account that there may be very large swings in raw score between players in the same division, but it definitely seems to allow more variety in what the players can play during this round. I also have not taken into consideration what would happen in other divisions, so there may be faults in that regard.

Also, this is just my thoughts on the round and a way to possibly make it more fun for the players.
Originally Posted by mrpreggers View Post
i'm not rusty i'm just sandbagging so i don't get bumped up to d8
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