Thread: The election
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Old 11-13-2016, 11:12 PM   #136
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Default Re: The election

Originally Posted by DaBackpack View Post
I have a friend who works at the supermarket and was wearing hijab and was told, and I quote, "If Trump gets elected I will kill you"
That seems like it's not what it seems.

Given the lack of any logical sense it would make to kill someone just because of Donald Trump being elected (laws regarding murder obviously won't change), it would make sense to think that he is in his own world of delusions. I think, that due to the sudden bandwagon of outspoken hatred driven by individuals believing that Donald Trump wanting to deport all Muslims was abhorrence towards terrorism, murder, and torture in the name of God (which is often believed to be ONLY by Muslims), they ended up generalizing their hatred. The hatred is due to misconceptions or just plain ignorance. Donald Trump caused it, but not on purpose. Humans, ESPECIALLY older people, make mistakes. Donald Trump isn't used to the constant publicity and needing to speak in front of thousands/millions can really screw with you and cause you to say what you mean but with bad phrasing. He doesn't want his citizens killing each other after he's become The President, but he can't help it because of the slip ups he's had with his phrasing. I live with two Donald Trumps (my parents who are in their high 60's), who hold similar beliefs. I notice that a lot of the time, they talk but they speak in such misunderstand able ways that if I didn't read between the lines I would hate them for their views on life. This is what I believe.

On another note, I heard an interesting line from GradeAunderA, (while on a random video spree), which I would like to have discussed. He stated that hypocrisy was in the air because the Clinton supporters rioting so heavily contradicted the common thought they supposedly had when Trump said he wouldn't concede should he lose the election. Hillary Clinton conceded, amiable, I must admit, but everyone protesting currently contradicted their own beliefs that the loser should concede by rioting because the one they rooted for lost. What do you think of this?

Jeez I spent an hour on that post.
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do u even agrabah
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Last edited by Rapta; 11-13-2016 at 11:19 PM..
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