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Old 11-1-2016, 01:33 PM   #1246
FFR Player
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Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 19
Default Re: New to FFR? Say Hello Here!

Hi I'm a n00b, I almost never make introductions but then again I don't really use the forums either. I stumbled here while taking a break from FFRing (my fingers hurt...) so I might as well say hi!

...Well, to say I'm a n00b is a bit of a lie. I've played FFR on and off for years, probably since 2007? The main reason I made an account was because I missed being able to play songs that got locked away to longstanding players. Feels cheated, man. I always played as a guest but suddenly I need to have 70k credits to play Final Fantasy Last Battle Festival? What gives?! D:

But I was never especially elite at the game, getting a AAA is something I've only done on songs like Counting Snow and getting FCs is really hard for me because I have no desire to play songs in the 0-40ish difficulty range and songs that are 60+ are usually just too fast/complex for me to actually FC.

That doesn't mean I don't enjoy playing the really hard songs! Anyway, that's me in a nutshell.

I guess I'll wrap up my intro with a few fun facts.

- My favorite song is Cosmic Orchestra, and I think the step file for it is AMAZING. Super fun!
- My hardest FC is Epidemic of Unexpected Relapses, which clocks in at 64. Imho that song does not deserve to be ranked so high, but hey, I'll take it.
- The hardest song I can actually digest (I can see everything I'm supposed to do to AAA it) is Blooddrunk, but of course I can't FC that shit.
- My favorite genres are Arcade and Rock.
- I was introduced to FFR by my brother, he lost interest shortly after I surpassed him which took very little time

Last edited by Byste; 11-1-2016 at 02:27 PM.. Reason: more deets
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