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Old 10-28-2016, 06:56 AM   #437
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Default Re: 2nd Post-Official Team Tournament Extravaganza (Hosted by DDRNGGin and Deadlyx39)

- For Attack Level 1...yeah, I kinda should've thought about it a bit more carefully in terms of the points it would take away, but keep in mind that it only affects one score if the attack is successful.

- The Attack Level 2 one was definitely one I really thought about for a while. As far the penalties part only affects the team that was targeted if less than 4 of the teammates submit a score under those circumstances. (Keeping in mind that the effect starts at Midnight server time the day after it was used, if successful.) May not be possible, but if any of the teammates actually made any improvements under those conditions, then that is really good.

- Attack Level 3...I can see that will be the one that people will complain about the most; however, for the attack to work, both the user and the targeted player(s) must have AAA'd the chosen song(s) within the round.

- Defend...that's a little bit complex to explain on that one.

- Now, steal is mainly designed to try to give the overall 5th place team another opportunity to make a comeback in just one round (which can actually be done).
DDRNGGin's New Stats Information

Playstyle: Index

Current Level / Division: Level 73 (Division 5)

Highest AAA/PFC: Flight of the Bumblebee (Difficulty 80)

Highest Blackflag: AIM Anthem (Difficulty 76)

Highest SDG: Choprite [3-0-0-1] (Difficulty 70)

Highest FC (Non-mashed): BB Revenge [14-1-0-3] (Difficulty 80)
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