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Old 09-7-2016, 08:52 PM   #189
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

~~My totally relevant and well put together reviews (pt 3)~~

Three levels I used:
-Amazing; I'd go back to this pack just to play it.
-Decent; if I'm stumbling through the pack I may play it occasionally.
-Unimpressed; likely would just skip right past it.

Please do note that unimpressed doesn't mean it's bad, it just means I don't like the file relative to other ones in the pack, and I also have very niche tastes. Also if you're in the mood for noting still, please also note that if a file was on the fringe of decent and amazing, I'd always round down, likewise with unimpressed and decent. Gotta conserve those high ratings bruh!

Goon Twins
I don't really have the speed for this kind of file, so take this with a grain of salt; the file itself is fine, the patterns aren't shit, and it is synced well. It was a fun enough experience for me.

Grab the Crystal Popcorn!
The first little bit was nice, it was a pretty chill jumpstream with breaks here and there. Then after the holdstream section, jacks got thrown in and then what was a chill file became a file that had a bit of unwarranted difficulty I'd say. Good for a challenge I guess though.

Gradius II NES Medley
So I really like this one, because of the very distinct differences between the songs used in the medley. But distinctly in the final song, there were a few 200bpm jacks, and I wonder why you used jacks. I feel like quick rolls (like 24ths or 32nds even) would've fit the song better (and they'd be more fun in my opinion). Cool file but didn't find it super fun, and I think you tried too hard to make it challenging.

Grannies World Tour
Only played the oni; it was a nice holdstream file. The middle-ish part with the denser holds kind of screwed me over, but the rest of the file was actually a lot of fun. It's the kind of thing I actually don't mind from a holdstream file.

Ground Theme / Underground Theme
Only played the oni. I prefered the first half tremendously, some of the second half felt like it was overstepped or cruelly stepped. Those long left arrow anchors near the end really made it so I didn't really want to come back to this, but the first half makes me want to go for a good score. I'm torn on this one, it's good challenge but it's not great fun at times.

Hard Man's Theme (Genesis Remix)
Played both hard and oni, preferred oni. It's a jacking file, but some parts of it just don't feel good to me especially. I'd say most (maybe 3/4) of the jacks are warrented, but there's some where I don't see why they were used rhythmically or by design. Then with it being a jacking file in mind, there were parts of the song (eg. near-ish to the end, or near the start had a couple examples) that would've had jacks fit in well with the music, but weren't used.

High-Speed Beast
Too fast for me. Even without the high speed though, I don't think I like it much from a design standpoint. The 300bpm streams were fine, but I dont think the music warrants the jackstreams per se. I'd recommend it for anyone who likes a hard file though, cause it's definitely hard.

So the file's good, so nice there, I'd recommend for anyone newer, and can be done on rates too due to well thought out patterns. Anyways though, I was about to AAA it but then I sneezed right near the end and got a great, so I'm pretty tilted.

Hope & Joy Peace & Love
I mentioned in another review that MarioNintendo often charts what makes sense to the song and considers what's fun second. This is a case where it's super accurate to the song, and a lot of fun too. It's files like this that prove your strategy can work really well.

Hornet Dance (Genesis Remix)
Wheeee, minijacks. (played both oni and heavy) The file is fine and it's fun, but more could've been done with the song. There were notes and sounds that were prominent that were missed, or cases where I think something other than jacks could've been used.

In The Fires of Ignition
Fun one. I loved the light jacking sections, I loved the quick streams. The song was nice too. Well rounded file.

Inner Goldfield
Loved it. Good fun, well charted, nice song, all around great. The difficulty was there, but not in an obnoxious way, and it was all around a lot of fun. One of the best so far for sure.

Jago (Shakuhachi Remix)
Like Tsugaru with holds, the burstyness was pretty fun and fit well, but I don't like burstyness nor holds, nor have I ever liked tsugaru so I wasn't the biggest fan. By no means is it bad though. I do appreciate the effort put into making it really accurate.

Jet Set Medley Future
I love me some Jet Set Radio music, it works so great for stepmania, this was no exception. That was a really fun one, I especially liked the notable differences used throughout the medley with the different tracks.

Johnny C. Bad
Oni was good streamy fun. Different tempos and such always make for a unique experience, and it was cool in that sense. Some of the patterns though with those much more off-beat notes were kind of aids and didn't fit amazingly but that's just me, and I have weird taste in streamy patterns. I appreciate the multiple difficulties and such though, always cool when people do that.

Jurassic Dope
Dank file dude. It was fun though, the jacks weren't a pain, the bursts were pretty fun. A tad bit repetitive though.

Kara no Kyoukai
Holdstream with a bit of jumpstream; didn't play the solo file. Pretty fun for what it was at times, but a lot of it was somewhat dull, plus I'm not a big fan of holds.

Kingdom of Devotindos
Great file! I really liked the patterns used, and (credit to the song itself) I liked how it had both syncopated parts and also quicker streaming parts. Excellent file.

Krook's March
On one hand I liked the first maybe 2/3's, it all felt very fluid. And I liked the last third too, but the sudden difficulty spike caught me off guard, and I don't really know if the more difficult charting worked out with the song. The burstiness of this one was good though.

Life Flashing Before One's Eyes
I was surprised I liked this one as much as I did. The bursty sections were good, the streamy sections were good, but those anchors and similar patterns in the first 16th note section ruined the file for me... It'd be an A++ if not for that honestly.

Lily Islands
There isn't a lot to say about this file. It's a decent simple file, it's good for lower caliber players, but it has some annoying jacks too as the only major challenge.

Luigi's Mansion
I know it's supposed to be xmod, but I can't into xmod so I just did it on cmod. Either way, cool song, cool file. I'd like to see a proper cmod file for this song, that'd be neato.

Mag Mount
I think it's safe to call this file a dump file. I didn't like it really, between the jacks and the unneeded jumps at times etc, it just felt like the file was made to be a challenge, not a fun time. Kirby songs are good though so there's that going for it.

Magical Sound Shower
Good file, well worth all the high praise. You even made me like the obnoxious jacks and trills, so high five to you on that. I don't think it's the top file, but it's way up there for sure!

Main theme
tfw 225bpm streams ;__; other than that it's a fun song, the patterns are nice and the minijacks work nice.

March of the One Legged Man
Cute. It's a nice beginner file, and it works pretty well on rates too for light handstream and hold practice. In the pile of recommendations for newer players.

Mario Paint Medley
It was a good file, but I didn't like the holdstream much. Nothing too special about this one, it reminds me of the style of songs from the FFR packs.

Mario Theme (BT Remix)
It's a cool file actually. I liked it a lot, even with the accelerating stream then decelerating jumpstream peaking at 200bpm. Too fast for me though to really do, but it was still a fun file all around.

Masquerade of Lies
So this one has 16th jumpstream, 24ths streams, and a bit of hold and burst elements. The fact that it used all the different components so well is what really made this file stand out in my mind; the song choice was great, and the stepping complemented it well.

Midnight Greenhouse
Cute 24ths-based file. Not much special about this one sure, but it's still solid all around. Nothing to complain about but not much to say.

Minuit a Fold la Caisse
Minijacks galore. Even that aside, I didn't really enjoy this file. Some parts felt understepped, mind you I play without mines so I may have missed something in those 504 mines used.

Mountain Range
On one hand I love the use of the rolls throughout and the jacks, while I didn't like it, fit the song very well. But some of the holds felt awkward (likely my own fault).

NameEntry -2A03+N106 mix-
Bursty file, it was fun but the 220bpm stream by the end kind of fucked me. Good for practice on stamina and speed!

Naval Battle
Really fun file! It was bursty but not too quick, and the bursts were fun to nail. There was that one jacking section that was actually fun as well. Didn't play the heavy, the oni had me sold on this file being great.

Neko Atsume no Theme
:catgirl_ascii: Tame file, good on rates too. Nice for beginners. Pretty straightforward song.

Nemesis Ba'al Theme
Played the oni only. Great file, I especially loved the ending, it really helped to wrap up a solid file.

Niagaro - Water Melody
(Oni only) The jump jacks at the start were really comfy; good length, patterning, and use. The song itself as a whole was nice, liked it a lot.

Opaque Air
It was nice, I liked the light jumpstream and the 24th streams. I do feel like the file was a bit lacking; stepping the background drums a bit may have helped the file by giving it a bit more substance in a couple sections.

Operation Intrude
Short file, good for going for accuracy. Stepped really fun as well, but the length makes it hard to get into. (aka not the fault of the author, the file was fantastic!!!!)

Over Drive
Reminded me of a black hole... Fun though, should practice this kind of thing to get better and such yada yada.

Pretty chart, I like the buildup of difficulty and patterns, I'll be coming back to this one for higher rates practice for sure. Good for beginners too!

Pardoner's Dance
Didn't leave an impression on me. It was a short and easy file, but it was kind of boring as well. Fault of the song not the file; it's a pretty song but it's not too fun to play.

Pepperouchau's Adventure
I loved the patterning of this one. The cute minijacks and the short hold patterns were sweet. But other than that, not much special.

Phoenix Wright ~ Objection!
It started out easy, lowered my guard, then poof, rolls! Great file though, lots of fun.
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