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Old 09-7-2016, 08:32 PM   #73
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Default Re: hello allow me to introduce to u my Wife

Originally Posted by shakesoda View Post
what's with the dramaposting

it's obvious that something is wrong here with the devs vs community situation, and apparently the devs vs other devs situation, but we don't seem to get wind of anything until people have already gone off on explosive rants on their respective random communities.

most things about the game have reasoning behind them or are perhaps just a legacy and should be fixed, and optimizations that don't cause breakage in the stable branch are welcome.

we take criticism if you give it to us, but hardly anyone comes around to tell us actual problems in any actionable way (sometimes we get people just calling us horrible people [thanks, appreciate it] or throwing context-free crash logs at us, which we can't do anything about).

please just talk to us normally on github/irc. if you don't want to deal with kyz, deal with me instead.

p.s. high framerates are cool but things like that 1ms thread sleep do exist for a reason (taking all resources makes everything else on the system lag), if you need it disabled I'd accept a PR for a preference.
Unfortunately I think there's a fundamental divide between the game that the development team wishes to produce and the game that the 4k kb community wishes to be playing. I won't go into detail about my personal experiences in 2008~2009 of trying to get into contact with the development team to see the changes I wanted in the game. We'll just say it was unfruitful, insulting, and ultimately soured any hope I had that game could or would change in ways I thought were for the better.

That being said I'm not going to let past prejudices get in the way if you are actually interested in listening to what I or xwidget have to say, so we'll find you on IRC.

@marionintendo: I'm working on tidying everything up and then I'll write up relevant changes/what you need to do/what you should expect and all that! Just don't hate me if it takes me all night and isn't ready in the morning.
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