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Old 09-7-2016, 02:10 PM   #150
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Default Re: The Video Game Mega Pack 4 (RELEASED!)

Originally Posted by DigitalS3r4ph View Post

Just a heads up guys, if you're having trouble with the Mediafire download, it's because of the CAPTCHA function (I was having a problem with this in Firefox). If you try it in Google Chrome it should work fine. Just complete the Captcha to prove you're not a Robobot and wala you did you've got the pack, winnar.


I am noticing many players have the following changes made to their Stepmania which is severely dampening the experience we had intended for those who are playing through this pack for the first time.

Let's get things squared away: This is not you're normal/usual Stepmania pack. This is not going to be your usual 'ey a new pack let's play it' type of experience.

1. Have your backgrounds turned on, or at least at 30-50% brightness. YOU ARE DOING YOURSELF A MAJOR DISSERVICE BY NOT DOING SO. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE. Enjoy the pack first, WORRY ABOUT SCORES LATER. This is not your standard stepmania pack!

2. Certain files are intended to be played on X-Mod, and you will achieve the BEST experience playing Stepmania 5. .Execute for example uses features only available on SM5.

The following files are intended to be played STRICTLY on X-Mod for MAXIMUM enjoyment.
- .3X3CU73
- Flight of the Battery
- Luigi's Mansion
- Work Harder
- Your Worst Nightmare

3. Turn mines on. Nearly every file in this pack that uses mines has been done so in a thoughtful way. There are even some files who's difficulty is ENTIRELY dependent on there being mines for the challenge. Not to mention, you will miss easter eggs and surprised planted within the pack.

You will be doing yourself a major disservice if you don't follow the above. I know it's niche or considered taboo to try to tell players how to play Stepmania, but seriously think of it like this...

Think of the VGMP 4 as a whole standalone game. For your first playthrough, please:
1. Turn those BG's on.
2. Enable those mines!
3. Use X-Mods for files that have BPM changes!
4. Enjoy the pack first, worry about scores later!

If you follow the above, I promise you...You will enjoy the pack much more and actually see some serious surprises that will blow your mind and change the way you view Stepmania and the VGMP 4 as a game.
reposted because people need to read this
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