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Old 08-10-2016, 10:08 PM   #2644
For a New Beginning
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Default Re: 11th Official Tournament - Round 7

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
That part used to have the split rolls as trills as well. That was even worse. Felt like trying to hit a 180bpm jumpjack at the end of each trill.
So then I made them spin rolls, which was easier to transition into but literally worse than Hitler to transition out of - each one ended in a 121 or 434 one-handed pattern.
Finally I tried split rolls, and they're still pretty "interesting." But it's hard to come up with a more intuitive way of stepping that sound, it's very trill-y.
Moral of the story is that trills that change speed are pretty cancer no matter how you step them. Capoeira Sundance!

_9th OT: D2 - 13th Place
10th OT: D5 - 45th Place
11th OT: D6 - 12th Place

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