Thread: Gun Control
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Old 06-24-2016, 06:09 AM   #39
FFR Player
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Default Re: Gun Control

repost of one of my posts from somewhere else, but relevant:

martial law and fascism is just around the corner if we continue to pay attention to what the media and facebook shove in our faces. it is too easy to orchestrate a political event through these channels. it is too easy to manipulate such a large number of people. we can all agree that what happened was horrible and wrong, but we are naive if we think that some gun control law will stop similar thing from happening. it is a cultural problem. those in power would rather disarm the populace than admit that their method of government and the way of life that they support is to blame for all of these dramatic acts of violence. humans will always commit atrocities, and really, what happened is very small in the big picture of things. it only seems large because of the media that you pay attention to; that is the only reason why this seems so important to people. who couldnt disagree with such an unjustifiable act of violence? the only reason this act seems so depraved is because the general public opinion is opposed to it. even people who speak ambiguously about what happened are judged for their lack of passion. had it been another group of people killed similarly for a reason deemed "justified" by the general media, people would cheer and celebrate. we all condone murder under the proper circumstances. we are all hypocrites when we call this a tragedy. are we not the very reason this happened at all? is our culture of destruction not to blame for the ways in which this type of dehumanization becomes possible? why do we blame guns? simply because that is the tool that is most commonly used? if guns are to be taken away, they can only be taken away from everyone. to only allow some to possess guns and others to not is to create a new hierarchy within a society with enough hierarchy as it is. shame on you who have taken advantage of what happened. shame on you who wish to put the general populace under the rule of a government gun. is the gun not what you preach against???? why then is it that you only wish a certain strata of society have access to guns?? is this not similar to the idea of only allowing a certain strata of society to vote? is this not simply an attempt to remove even more power from the voting populace? we fought for voting rights and we should fight similarly for gun rights. it should be noted, felons are not allowed to vote or possess guns. are we all judged as felons all(whether felons are judged justly or injustly is another matter)? all men are created equal, so therefore all men should have access to guns, or no men should have access to guns. will the war on guns be the new war on drugs??? there is too much emotion involved when discussing this topic... stop being so easily swayed. stop paying attention to these poison media voices and read the ideas of the founding fathers. once we start to discredit the founding fathers, we discredit the very basis of our government. revisionism will be one of the first steps towards fascism. we should be able to have faith in the courts. if that fails, then we have faith in protest. but, our judges will not even uphold the constitution. while cases on privacy and warrantless intrusions into the lives and information of innocent citizens go unheard, we rejoice over a decision on marriage and say to ourselves "look our court is just"(i do not disagree with the gay marriage decision, only the fact that the court ever had the ability to preside over the rights of marriage at all). where do we go when the courts will not even hear our cases? where do we go when the federal government has become so massive that even the supreme court dare not oppose it?? was it not states rights that led the way for the supreme court's decision on gay marriage?? is it not the history of states rights that was attacked through the emotionalization of a violent act similar to the one that has happened most recently(i am talking of the trend of removing confederate monuments and discrediting the motives of secessionists after the attack on the black church in charleston)? is there not a trend of the erosion of rights through emotional manipulation whenever a violent attack occurs in our country? look at the obvious, please. please, ignore the media that has tainted our views and played with your emotions. do not forget the history of our country. dont let the emotional aspect of these type of murders drive you to a frenzied decision. remember your history. read your history. PLEASE!!!!!!
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