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Old 06-24-2016, 12:12 AM   #1
A car crash mind
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Default The UK is leaving the EU

I'm not sure how many of you follow UK/European politics (I know I don't), but yesterday we had a vote on whether or not to leave the European Union. Known colloquially as 'Brexit' or 'British Exit'.

The votes have been counted since 22:00 last night and, as of right now, after around 33 million counted votes, the vote to leave has won. This is the biggest decision the UK has made in recent history. We're leaving the European Union.

Predictably, the value of the pound has plummeted to the lowest since around 1985.

Scotland is already talking about another vote for independence, with the idea that their newly independent country could seek to apply to the EU.

As for right at home for me, certain parties in Northern Ireland are talking about trying to get a 'united Ireland' with the Republic of Ireland, but Ireland are part of the EU and so there are obvious problems there.

This could also lead to the troubles coming back. During this referendum there was talk of having to put the border back up between the North and South of Ireland, with any trade between going through checks.

Worst case scenario, if Scotland gain independence and Ireland block us, I'm essentially going to be living in the middle, stuck in a country with no clear allegiance and people on all sides fighting to side with England, with Scotland, with Ireland or the European Union. It's going to be bedlam.


Last edited by TheRapingDragon; 06-24-2016 at 03:33 AM..
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