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Old 04-19-2016, 04:28 PM   #77
FFR Player
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Join Date: Sep 2014
Age: 30
Posts: 31
Default Re: How often does anyone play this game anymore?

This game is great for music aficionados, but other than that, you won't see many casual players. If any. Osu! has that on lock. It's either people who are familiar with this scene and have a strong affinity towards music games in general, or people who are hardcore and actually give a damn about getting insane scores, CTS, and paying for expensive keyboards.

Me personally, I've reached a desirable skill level that I don't really have a drive to get better. Plus, playing with my finger style (ring+middle) puts a cap on that. If I played with normal spread, I'd lost interest even sooner. Not to say I don't get that "damn that was a nice score" feeling, it's moreso that I no longer get that "damn I could've done better" feeling. Sucks all motivation and dedication from the game when you don't even care if your score is trash. Once the incentive salience dissipates, you can pretty much uninstall the game at that point. Risks outweigh the rewards.

The only reason I still have it installed is because I still enjoy some older files that I like to experience again every once in a while. Xoon 5, couple of those FFRCPs, ODIPack 2+3, Red Fraction, Dark Chancellor, and PMPoE are the packs I consistently go back to, just to experience it again. No recent pack has done this for me aside from the Untitled pack, that was pretty dope. I feel even the steppers don't have much of a desire or motivation to create dope files to dope music anymore tho, and that's a tough pill to swallow when quality files are the backbone of this game. Also I sense a loss of creative spark in the files that I come across recently.

For example. (not trying to diss or anything) I think the last Yolomania had like, what, 200 submitters or something crazy like that? The reason being is that it's very broad of a pack. you can submit anything. Let your mind fly. depsite that, there ends up being a central commonality in the song choices and file structures. In a pack with no limits on what you can submit, very few files really stand out. Makes you wonder..

Also, 6key > 4key. but unfortunately no real contributions for that mode anymore. I just play my usual suspects and dip out for a few months.

Last edited by Jagakon; 04-19-2016 at 04:30 PM..
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