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Old 04-19-2016, 04:45 AM   #287
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Default Re: TWG 150: Undertale Postgame

Originally Posted by DaBackpack View Post
yeah I think it would be useful to have "invisible" not have any effect when visiting the TWG subforum

I get that people invisible for other reasons, so I don't think the system should auto-toggle that setting when entering the subforum (or force players to manually become visible whenever they view), but allow the system to ignore that setting when a user is visiting TWG, or something like that
It's a dynamic of the game tbh.

Like I'll sometimes peek in a thread for like a minute or two, and someone will ping me for it. Sometimes I intentionally leave myself in the thread for long periods of time, despite not actually being here.

I think my favorite way to use it is in anon games. Not sure if anyone caught it, but I was actually viewing the thread on both accounts at once sometimes to throw people off of me being Flowey. I was actually trying to force myself to play differently as well, though, not sure how effective that was. Probably didn't do too well once I started going back to formatting my posts the way I usually do.

The hardest part of anon games for me, is making the time to hide who I am because of my schedule.



i'm sure

this annoys

at least one of you

Overall, I liked this game IMMENSELY more than the last one. This one was fun.

btw Xiz.

Don't you ever fucking use that many spoilers again. Funny as hell sure, BUT FUCK WAS IT ANNOYING.

... Reading through the Human chat, how did RB know blind signed up for the game?

"[4/4/2016 12:07:55 PM] Charu: The inner workings of life
[4/4/2016 12:07:58 PM] Charu: and death
[4/4/2016 12:08:03 PM] Charu: my theory"

Charu you sick bastard.

Last edited by XelNya; 04-19-2016 at 04:52 AM..
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