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Old 03-3-2016, 11:27 PM   #28
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Default Re: pls post some of your favorite tropes from rpgs, specifically jrpgs

>fashion accessories like bracelets, rings, etc. somehow give stat boosts when equipped to characters

>somehow you're able to hold an unlimited amount of money when things like debit and credit cards don't exist in traditional rpgs. where does it all go??????????

>restoring elemental crystals to save the world bullshit

>elemental attack and spell system to add sustenance to a hack-and-slash


>obligatory underage loli/shota party member(s)

>obligatory dark skinned party member to add racial diversity

>japanese characters that look like white people with crazy hair

>weapons of "legends" are always the strongest equipment in the game (re: excalibur and ragnarok)

>weight does not exist in giant weapons or heavy armour

>skinny characters with a clear lack of strength swinging giant swords around effortlessly

>there is always some kind of war

>npcs that repeat themselves forever

>npcs that walk around aimlessly in circles

>female characters wearing skirts and dresses in cold climate areas and being unaffected

>all shops, regardless of what they sell, are pawn shops that will buy anything from you

>instant cures for poison, blindness, paralysis, petrification, etc. mid-battle

>taking drugs to instantaneously boost stats mid-battle without any consequences

>hacking and slashing without any blood spewing out or with any visible trauma

>mother fucking DRAGONS

>slimes and jellies

>bandits and thieves that always steal your money in battle

>ninja class characters can throw anything in your inventory

>limitless inventory. how and where does it all go?????????

>pitch dark areas that always require some sort of light source in the form of an item or skill in order to progress

>reviving after death like nothing happened. characters never truly die and stay dead

>rescuing someone you just met after they've been kidnapped and held captive

>forcefully and dramatically being separated from your childhood friend early in the game only to be miraculously reunited later on

>meeting random stranger that looks exactly like said childhood friend prior to reuniting with your childhood friend

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Last edited by Gundam-Dude; 03-3-2016 at 11:30 PM..
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