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Old 02-16-2016, 01:55 PM   #18
DossarLX ODI
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Default Re: ATTN: Active FFR Players/Community

Originally Posted by klimtkiller View Post
most people don't know how to judge files or aren't enthusiastic about it.
Supplementing Charu's post, let's take the snippet from the Public Judgment System Thread which is shown in the spoiler below.


Community members are free to leave reviews on any sets they choose. When leaving reviews for the files please keep these guidelines in mind:
Remember to view the links to the stepchart images! Just playing on the engine makes reviewing a file difficult, so please do not overlook this addition as it can enhance your review.
• Place your comments in the appropriate thread. All currently active sets from the regular batches can be found in the Active Sets subforum.
• Leave comments on all files in the set you choose to look at. Don't go through sets only picking certain files. The exception is if one of the files happens to be yours, in which case you must mention this to staff.
• Do not be rude to simfile authors in your comments. If you find something you dislike, explain why and provide constructive criticism. Comments such as "this file sucks" will not be tolerated in addition to one-liners. In general, each file review should be at least two sentences if there is criticism.

Once the community has left some feedback on a set (generally at least 5 different users), a primary judge will look at the feedback from the community and look at the set themselves. They will then decide the status of the files within the set. This will prevent any favoritism or people pushing files into game that don't really belong. In addition:
• Stepauthors will not be included on files in the public engine. It is your responsibility to mention to the staff which file is yours in a set.
• The Primary Judge will be mentioned in the first post of the set threads to indicate who will be looking over the specific set in question.
• If a set does not receive enough community feedback then it must have two Primary Judges review it before it can be Accepted.

Once a set is completed it will be moved from the Active Sets subforum to the Completed Sets subforum. A set is completed when the Primary Judge decides the status of all the files in a specific set. When this happens, the final results and primary judge notes will go to the corresponding thread for the set in the Completed Sets subforum.

Reading these threads is also important as it shows how the public judgment process works. Think of how you'd put together a rough draft. Judges themselves have "rough drafts" of their reviews before having the final version of the review posted up. For users, it's the same thing -- like Charu mentioned, put down your thoughts after playing the file. This public system is structured in a way that your voice will be heard.

These resources are not meant to make things more difficult for users. Users are welcome to ask questions and are encouraged to be interactive. This shouldn't be treated like Facebook where people go on ranting about political issues for hours with nothing productive coming out. You all have a voice.
Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
oh boy, it's STIFF, I'll stretch before I sit down at the computer so not I'm not as STIFF next time I step a file
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