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Old 01-9-2016, 12:50 PM   #44
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Default Re: So apparently people are mad that Stepmania was on AGDQ

Originally Posted by rushyrulz View Post
My general experience with rhythm games is that when people WATCH rhythm games being played, they soon want to PLAY rhythm games. It's a very approachable genre since there really isn't much you need to learn to get started other than what buttons do I need to hit when this particular light flashes? Games commonly showcased in speedruns do not have the same effect since you see runners doing one mind-blowing glitch or trick after the other and it makes the game seem unapproachably difficult to play.

I kind of wish that Stian had played some easier songs to begin with because it would serve several purposes:
A) It would cut the nervousness since a crowd of unsuspecting viewers with little to no rhythm gaming experience would be blown away by just about anything D4 or higher, leading to the same type of overwhelming crowd hype that happened during the showcase
B) It would be alright for a warmup
C) It would have shown viewers that there is more to SM than D7/D8 files and perhaps plant the seed in their minds that they might be capable of playing the game too.
D) It lets the couch explain a lot of underlying concepts before anything crazy happens and without the fear of breaking Stian's concentration during intense files (and I thought the couch did a great job of doing this during the first few charts anyway).
E) It makes the true hard stuff look even more impressive in comparison.
25 minutes is a lot less time than you think in the context of riddim gaems, I'm sure the song list would be much more varied if there was a bigger time slot


Originally Posted by Wayward Vagabond View Post
you look like you're dSucks

Last edited by rCaliberGX; 01-9-2016 at 12:51 PM..
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