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Old 12-12-2015, 09:53 PM   #38
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Default Re: ultimate stepmania vs korea drama thread

Originally Posted by lurker View Post
the ones who do think he's bs are intentionally avoiding this thread because apparently despite ffr being a Bastion Of StepmAnia Elitism no d7 player who's against him actually feels safe responding on here
uh that's not really it

i've said it like 10 times already i'm not calling him out or trying to convince anyone that he is bs

frankly I don't know who posted my stream rant about him on reddit or why; someone just asked me about jhlee and I gave my perspective on him as a player

i think he's an extremely good player who is too willing to find ways to creatively fake scores above his level in order to try to convince everyone he's the best at everything

see the difference between him and i is i don't tell you what to think

i tell you what i think and why and you're free to agree with me or disagree with me it doesn't really matter.
despite people thinking I play specifically to achieve scores or care much about them, anyone who actually knows me knows that I only play to improve myself at the game because that's what I think is fun

in fact you can go watch my collective stream vods and you'll realize i almost never play to get scores

here's how i see it during his session of getting "good scores" he

> played a dozen or so songs consecutively achieving wrs no other player can approach within at minimum a year with no break in between and displaying no attrition of mental or physical stamina
> during this time he intentionally avoided playing any requests despite there being dozens
>he stops to "browse reddit" immediately after which he cant pass the beginning of 25 disney songs after multiple tries
> then fails to aa harlem shake 1.0 (if this isn't damning I don't know what is). Unless I'm mistaken stian has fc'd, eze has come close with 12g, and I have 3g 3cbs. Proceeds to play 1.1 and gets smashed with an 85. Proceeds to play 1.2 and 1.3 and gets similarly smashed on both, despite 1.3 being virtually fc'able through jumptriling.
> Plays pine nut 4-5 times in a row moving from an 87-94 with each run showing extreme attrition of physical and mental stamina towards the end of the file. He constantly makes errors that are absolutely baffling as to how they don't produce irreversible cb rushes and moreover in his later runs he exits the 2nd stream with 95% DP. For reference I can consistently sdg fc until the third stream where the density increases and I have trouble cancelling cb rushes. He never cbrushes despite the 3rd stream being significantly harder than the 2nd or first and maintains more or less the same DP% ratio on the third section until the very end. Also, a 94 on pine nut is really not that impressive, not relative to anything earlier in the stream.
> Achieves 90% on blue noah 2006 after a similar number of 4-5 attempts and claims it is "good from his perspective". I 91'd it on j4 over 2 months ago. Given the finger speed he displayed in his image material 1.2 score he should be able to 95 it easily.
> Plays cyber induction 1.5 again and after aa'ing pine nut with a 94 he can't maintain above a 95% after a half a minute, quits out.
> keytap pitch during the "good scores" is higher than his "post reddit browsing session" as well as wildly different ma/pa ratios between the two sections of his vod

I'm pretty sure I also mentioned this, but as suspicious as I was of his stream initially I was perfectly willing to accept that he was probably legit and I was just looking at the issue from a biased perspective, that is, until he couldn't AA harlem shake 1.0.

You see if he just ended the stream after the others and said "pce retards stepmania is suck l0l rekt bye", I'd have just been like, well damn, I guess I was wrong. But no, he proceeds to get absolutely hilariously smashed on two files significantly easier than anything he played within the last hour, and not only does he get absolutely smashed, he continues to get absolutely smashed on things that really just aren't that hard.

Now, if I'm in his position and I'm BS, here's what I do. I end the stream after the others because why on fucks earth would I associate the next incoming scores with this insanely legendary run that everyone is buying into, it's retarded and it only serves to cast doubt on what I've done.

Now, if I'm in his position and I'm legit, here's what I do. I end the stream after getting smashed on 25 disney songs because the glory is over, I'm tired and probably not going to get anything noteworthy and I'd rather spend my time doing something else. I've proved my point and my performance will speak for itself and after spending so much effort only posting amazing wr scores nobody can beat, achieving a bunch of trash-mediocre scores on stream only functionally tarnishes my reputation.

But I mean I wouldn't ever be in that position because if he called me full of shit fake player I'd just be like "lol".

@leonid bro I love you but really on this particular subject your opinion just isn't relevant anymore

my problem isn't that jhlee is beating scores, or getting wrs, or being a massive dick about it, my problem is that the way he's doing it makes absolutely no logical sense on any level and he displays a level of inconsistency in scores and play that everyone who can actually understand the significance of the scores hes getting can appreciate

and to me, personally, that tells me he's just a cheater who isn't even good at cheating

let me put it this way, if that exact same stream vod existed except I was the one playing instead of jhlee, everyone would be calling me full of shit too

e: actually i guess the vod doesn't exist anymore ?

Last edited by MinaciousGrace; 12-12-2015 at 09:57 PM..
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