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Old 11-16-2015, 11:44 AM   #20
A car crash mind
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Default Re: Lol Ronda Rousey

Originally Posted by Deadlyx39 View Post
You might be a biiit biased about McGregor. Just maybe...
Conor McGregor was born in Dublin, which is the Republic of Ireland. It's a different country to Northern Ireland. I'd say to pay more attention in your geography classes but that would be implying that Northern Ireland and Ireland get discussed in American education beyond the potato famine and the troubles, or that anyone actually listens.

If I was going to be biased towards anyone in UFC I'd have to go for someone like Norman Parke, though personally I prefer fighters like Dan Henderson and Lyoto Machida.

Anyway, Ronda actually said that if a fight like this were to happen, that she could beat 100% of bantamweight class men in a SportsCenter interview.
That's the exact same quote that was quoted in your first link so I'll just reiterate my original comment:

First link: Joe Rogan was the one who said he thought Rousey could beat a lot of the guys. Rousey's response was basically 'anything is possible'. She isn't saying 'I can definitely beat anyone, I'm the best', she's saying 'I can't categorically say [person A] can or can't beat [person B] because anything is possible'. Using the very same statement you can say that she has also stated she could lose to 100% of them, because you can't say there's a 100% chance that she can beat anyone.
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