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Old 10-14-2015, 10:35 AM   #8
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Default Re: Bugs that don't deserve their own thread

Originally Posted by Kanzas View Post
I'm sure there is something about this, just didn't really look into it.

So, I'm guessing it's with all the site overhauls and whatever, but my avg rank is 930.465 in the public lvlranks page, but on the game where it shows stats, it is 1,070~

Also, a bunch of my scores are either completely gone and now UNPLAYED appears, or it has scores on those files that are older and not nearly as good as I had.

Is this still being worked on, or ??

EDIT - It's also not a "Do better but dont fc and it replaces it" problem. Some of the scores being shown have 100+ goods, and a few avggs, misses, boos, etc
This wiki article should explain what happened. We have restored as many scores as we can, so any songs that are marked as "unplayed" will have to be played again.

Last edited by PrawnSkunk; 10-14-2015 at 10:37 AM..
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