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Old 09-29-2015, 10:42 AM   #5
A car crash mind
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Default Re: Those We Leave Forgotten

Originally Posted by Litodude View Post
nov 3rd don't u forget
Of course, it shall be seared into my hippocampus. Maybe.

At first glance today's forgotten few would appear entirely justified in their forgotten status. Combined they have 350 games played and zero forum posts, but who am I to judge the viability of an individual. I leave that instead to you, the community.

Poor 10-year old Anissa is still trying to learn how to speak. As a 7-year old he wrote a piece of writing that he's still very proud of to this day. Rather than use his link and have you all go to it, I thought I'd save you the time and post it here:

Researching and navigating keyword is one important part in seo onpage, if you can do it well, you will save many time and money. Before building strong backlink, you must finish research keyword and find out some main keyword to develop. Search engines can not recognize main keywords if your site's content does not focus on anything, content be written generally. A website is much appriciated in search engines if it's site with rich content and useful for users, so the first you must build your site with rich content and useful for users.

And then you must skillfully navigate the main keyword for search engines, it's must be done naturally. The main keyword should be put on title tag and repeat a few times in all text of content. But avoid keyword stuffing, keyword should be around 3-5% on all text of content, keywords are repeated too many time in content will be seen as keyword spamming.

But it's very difficult to develop the keywords like iphone, fashion, wedding...because these keywords belong large firms, and they are too high competitive keywords, you can not success if choose the keywords like them. So you should wisely choose keywords which be not too high competition to develop. You can research about keyword at keyword research tool of Google, many useful factors about keyword such competition, traffic, trends...will be listed at there. The first, you should develop with long keyword and then with shorter keywords. Hope this short post can help you a liltle thing for you in developing your site.
Here's hoping!

My Simple Minded Ego Lacks Musical Understanding.

The 14 games played so far are actually pretty decent. I'm guessing they came from another rhythm game, tried this and didn't like it, then left.

3 games played: Learn 2 Play -> Lucid Quazar -> Lucid Quazar

BOOM! Feel dapower. *Drops da mic*

Good old Jess AKA fishybutt on Steam. Loves Team Fortress 2; FFR not so much with only 26 games played.

Also has a very 'clingy-13-year-old-sounding' husband:

m00nk1d 3 hours ago

m00nk1d 3 hours ago
Happy birthday beautiful wife of mine ill be sexing you up after i get home today prepare urself cutie patootie i love you ❤️💜💛💚💙🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

KeiIzumi is usually a defensively-oriented foe, often using Swordmaster abilities to defend against attacks and prepare counterattacks. Nothing Ventured halves damage from physical attacks and counterattacks for twice the damage of a normal attack against any character that attacks her physically. Before Swine halves damage from magical attacks and counterattacks for three times the damage of her normal attack against any character that attacks her with magic.

Know Thine Enemy picks a specific target and counterattacks that target for four times normal damage should they attack her. As KeiIzumi's physical attack already deals an extremely high amount of damage, any one of these counterattacks will likely be fatal against its intended target. Occasionally, usually after a counterattack has downed an ally, KeiIzumi will Brave twice, launching three attacks at the party.

Kamiizumi's counters always come first and are difficult to predict, so a good strategy is to Default a couple of turns and then have a member of the party killed, doing so will cause KeiIzumi to Brave twice and attack with normal attacks three times, leaving herself unable to use any counter for the next turns. Using this chance to revive and heal party members as well as attacking is the best time to deal damage to her.

A White Mage is recommended during this fight since it can quickly Raise and heal any damage done by KeiIzumi, also if previously Defaulted, even a revived character will not lose his chance to attack. Monks and Rangers can be effective offensively but can pose a risk defensively should KeiIzumi deal enough damage to potentially kill them, although Monks have higher HP so they have less risks.

Eventually as KeiIzumi loses HP, she will Brave twice regardless of whether she fell or not to any character. If this happens then the player should do as usual, revive, heal, and attack while KeiIzumi cannot do anything else, and otherwise Default all the time until a new opportunity comes. Eventually KeiIzumi will fall.

ILL's is a story filled with despair. As a young child he was part of a poor family who couldn't afford new keyboards or computers. One day his father found an old, discarded keyboard and brought it home. The caps lock was broken and constantly on but this did not deter ILL. Nor did people constantly telling him to stop shouting.

The breaking point came when he found an old, niche website called FFR and tried out the game. It was pretty fun and he could bind his keys to whatever he wanted. The problem occurred when trying to hit more than one arrow. Because the keyboard already thought he was pressing caps lock it kept locking out and screwing up his accuracy.

Alas, after 35 games, ILL had enough and, much like a volcano, blew his top off.
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