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Old 09-18-2015, 07:00 PM   #396
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Default Re: What's happening in here?

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 View Post
We really should have a youtube channel that's devoted to way more. There should be a FFR official channel that has things like tutorials for stepping files for FFR so that people have somewhere to turn when they're new, tutorials for the game itself for newbies, showcase runs with some good players, player interviews, etc.
100% This and I fully support the idea; alongside the FFR Perfect Project. I feel like FFR as a whole is getting vastly more skillful and that now some of the attention should be shifted to newer players getting better and understanding the terminology and techniques more than just being thrown into the mix and getting discouraged when they hit a wall in improvements.

Maybe in the future User Tournaments (if the host is up to it) and other Events can be streamed to broadcast FFR to a further extent? If I was capable of streaming (which I'm sadly not at the moment), I would certainly make a tournament structured around being able to broadcast live play and updates.

Another thing I want to bring up is also Multiplayer. Lately at least 6 or more players have been active daily in Multiplayer and I feel we can somewhat make the experience better. Encourage new players to practice moving up the ranks with another new player, and have "tutoring" lessons from the more skillful players to help the newer player growth in terms of the Game?

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