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Old 09-15-2015, 02:23 AM   #15
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Default Re: [University - C++ Programming] Filling an Array with RNG & Display Contents

Originally Posted by sickufully View Post
I have no idea why this is a bad idea (please enlighten me on why, curious to know) but that's just what the teacher supplied us with. I dunno if he did it for us c++ newbies or if he actually writes his code like that.
There's multiple reasons why using namespace whatever; is generally a bad idea. Consider this situation for a moment:
namespace Foo
    void Func()
        // Does something!

namespace Bar
    void Func()
        // Does something completely different!

using namespace Foo;
using namespace Bar;

Func(); // Error! Can't figure out which one to call
If you have functions with the same name in multiple namespaces it can cause great confusion and even compiler errors when you try to call those functions without the namepspace prefix. Now with the same example, if the using namespace statements are not used it would look like this:
// Now you can clearly see which function is being called. Nice!
It ultimately comes down to preference, but I've found that most programmers are against using namespace for the above reasons. The only times I've really seen it used are when there are a lot of nested namespaces like the following:
namespace Engine
    namespace Tools
        namespace UI
          void Foo();

// This is quite a pain to have to type EVERY single time you need this function...
Hopefully that's not too confusing XD Not sure how crazy I should get with these examples. I tried to keep it simple. Hope it helps!

EDIT: Oh! As a sidenote, if you find yourself stuck on a problem for a long time is a great reference for asking or searching for common questions. Also, if you're ever unsure of what a standard function does, has you covered

Last edited by shenjoku; 09-15-2015 at 02:27 AM..
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