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Old 08-15-2015, 12:52 PM   #17
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Default Re: Mister_Raccoon's PSN Open Challenge Episode 1 (Contest)

IMO Forest > Marshall for a few reasons

Wish I could've seen the Dual-Law combo because Dual-Laws can either be really devastating or pretty simple to deal with. Certain fighters like Heihachi can dispatch any of the Laws pretty easily but against someone like Ogre or even Miguel the Laws will usually win in the right hands.

EDIT: I think it was Asuka/Forest that was a really brutal combination or it was another lady fighter.

EDIT2: I nearly forgot about the Dan system; I remember reaching 100th Dan for TRUE Tekken God was nearly impossible for the longest time. Still haven't reached TRUE yet but my two main combos are both between 40-50 Dan and then everyone else is roughly in the Red Dan section (20-23 Dan).

Fun Fact: There's like just 5 or so players who have the TRUE Tekken God titles and they are literally machines. The most common fighter between the players who hold this title is Devil Jin.

Last edited by _Zenith_; 08-15-2015 at 01:12 PM..
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