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Old 05-29-2015, 08:11 AM   #264
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Default Re: Misc. progress thread

Originally Posted by Reincarnate View Post
Yeah I had been wondering if it was something like this:

But I took a pic of my leg / measured the distances, and my femur is pretty much the same length as my tibia.

I also tried another pic:

Torso (23 in) to leg (39 in) seems OK I think (my measurements are really wishy-washy here). There may be some standardized way to measure but I didn't bother to Google for it yet bc things seemed fine in the pic anyway.

And yet I don't think I have any serious mobility problem either (but maybe I am sorely mistaken here), so it's like, wtf mate.

Just need to find an appropriate box to try out, but I'll give these a shot.
Well, your legs don't look that long in that picture. Not even close to as long as the lady I'm referencing. I know you're tall though, so that probably factors into it slightly.

There are probably some mobility issues then. That might not be apparent, but if you're anything like I was you probably grew up spending lots of time on the computer with bad posture and this leads to bad ankle and hip flexor mobility.

As such, I would still try box squats, with light sets of deep squats here and there to continue to work on mobility.

You'll probably find box squats infinitely easier and more comfortable regardless.

I like that guys video too by the way. I love it when people with hilariously good leverages for ATG squats tell me it's my lack of mobility preventing me from having a strong ATG squat.

Last edited by Reach; 05-29-2015 at 08:22 AM..
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