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Old 05-26-2015, 10:31 PM   #730
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Default Re: Anime north 2015 hype thread

I know I wasn't around much and didn't talk to a lot of you, and frankly I'm pretty sure most of you weren't even aware who I was lol. It was quite overwhelming seeing so many unknown faces this year! Absolutely will be getting a pass next year. Too many people for half a day!


First and foremost, super glad I got to meet you. You were the first one I saw as I arrived saturday afternoon, basically hung out the whole time I was there. I had a blast man. It was awesome to talk to you again after so many years when we used to hang out in tinychat all the time. But the band's getting back together, and we made a pact to both be D7 by this time next year. PrawnSkunk, you too. Grind it out boys, we've got that rivalry going.

Rob and Maggie
Shitty that you guys had to leave so early, I was looking forward to hanging out. Maggie, only saw you for a moment while you were dying in the car, but it was good to see you again. Haven't talked in forever. Rob, when I hit D7 with Jteh and PrawnSkunk, buy me Wendy's (gelf)

I've never really had an opportunity to chill with you, but it was fun man. Next year I'll be around longer and we'll have some drinks together.

Good to see you again man, way improved at itg from when I last saw you at AN two years ago lol. Saturday night was just some smashing your keyboard and sound voltex and a small bit of itg, but I had a great time. We'll hit up pmall and play some more.

We've never really hung out or talked much, but you really made my night by letting me crash in your room. Otherwise it would have just been a couple hours that ended at dinner, and instead turned into rhythm games late into the night, followed by tits and gobstoppers. Thanks so much man, I really appreciate it.

It was awesome meeting you man, learned some cool stuff (spic and span!), and played your files in front of you! Not well mind you, but it was fun going through that list of your files and remembering how much I hated some of them. Seriously, fuck Puzzle. Impossible file. I'll do better next year though ;D

You were another person who made my night possible, thanks so much for spotting me at dinner. Didn't really see you much, but next year for sure. Glad we got that picture on sunday though! I'll have that $9 for you a year from now. I just hope I don't incur too much interest D=

We didn't talk, but you gave me $3 and I really appreciate it. I'm super tight on money and with you and Trevor's help I was able to make the most of my time at AN this year. Your index skill was absolutely insane, it was crazy to watch.

The local gang
Ally, Andy, Amy, Will, Brandon. Like I know I'm not really close friends with you guys, but damn. I'd love to make more of an effort to try and chill, it's a shame being so close and all that good stuff.

Everyone else I can't think of right now
There were so many of you this year, and I wasn't around long enough to go around meeting everyone. Hopefully with this whole Jteh/PrawnSkunk pact thing I'll be around the forums more and I'll know who I'm looking for when next year comes around.
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