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Old 02-21-2015, 01:24 AM   #117
Zageron E. Tazaterra
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Default Re: ATTN: FFRevolution

Okay, hello.

Let me preface with saying I was at work, during an extremely busy day, while this was happening. I requested that no staff member reply on behalf of the staff, so that I could get everything in order and post something that could be considered unanimous. ymia, apologies if my doing this gave you, or anyone else, the impression that we were simply ignoring it. Down to business.


Firstly, noname219 greatly appreciates your praise toward the wiki, and always appreciates any additions people would like to make!

While I appreciate your concern for how the FFR "staff" works, this thread has not addressed anything that concerns me as exceedingly detrimental at the moment. The FFR team is gargantuan. There are four separate team working content: Judgement (14), Difficulty (3), Event (8), Development (9), and a team of moderators (16). There are a multitude of extra individuals who contribute regularly, and of course keeping the spaghetti website off of the floor takes a bit out of my day every once in a while.

For development and content, hi19hi19 put it nicely, things are happening behind the scenes which we just can't share yet. Every member of the development team is very busy with their own lives, and cannot afford to submit more than a few hours of their day to FFR. This is already far more than can be expected of a person working a full time job, but we generally managed to pull it off a few times per week. We are working, as you saw with PrawnSkunk and Trumpet's massive contribution that came out in the last week, the tier point update in the weeks previous, and the surprisingly consistent weekly song releases with videos to go along with them.

On the development side, progress is just fine for what time we can put into it.
On the staff side, we have worked on improving organization and communication for a very long time. People mentioned the improvements in judgement. I will mention the addition of difficulty re-scaling, and that an actual team was implemented for hosting and running events.

@MrPopadopalis25, I will re-index the site tonight.

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
Cycling new staff constantly is just as disruptive as having lazy staff. With this in mind it's obvious that striking a balance between finding staff with the free time to no-life work on the site out of pure passion versus replacing people too quickly is difficult.
I really can't emphasize this enough. We, in no way, need more moderation or content management staff (re Fission). The people who are on the teams know how the system works, and when there is work to be done it gets done. Yes, there was a large lapse in activity over October-December. This was due partially to the burnout from the Tournament, and then the December extravaganza, along with numerous members of staff getting new (more than) full time jobs.

Tidbit: There are 3 members of staff who has not logged in in the past 10 days (two have reasons, one is an account that isn't use and hasn't logged in since 2008), a few who haven't logged in since yesterday, and every single other person has logged in today.

I cannot just fire staff members as I haven't hired anyone. They put their time into the site, they use their personal time to help out, and we aren't in a position of such high demand or production that we can so strictly enforce constant activity and contribution. Perhaps when the site ramps up, our stance on this will change, but in the mean time how could I kick someone who does their job, as often as possible, off of a team that they tried very hard to get on to and have, in some cases, dedicated large portions of their lives to.

I received a number of conversations pertaining to your opinions of some members of staff. I do not appreciate what you had to say, and would like to warn you to watch what you say about other in public areas. If you aren't happy with the amount of communication going on, please contact staff directly via PMs, Skype, or ask them to PM you on their profiles.

Last edited by Zageron; 02-21-2015 at 01:28 AM..
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