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Old 01-16-2015, 11:13 PM   #146
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Default Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Day 86: Red Flame by Lil B The BasedGod (Album Choice: Arkuski)

Today I'm in an oddly good mood. So I decided to play something funny but at the same time torturous. I expect to be amused at first, then the groans come on, then sobbing or physical pain. Why do I do this to myself, I don't know. Hey, at least the album isn't 05 Fuck Em... I'm so not ready for this shit.

So, I decided I'm gonna give this a brainvomit review. There is an actual proper term that I'm looking for but I can't find it. Literally ANY thought that goes into my head that isn't incriminating is going to be put down here once I start listening.

-Why the fuck am I listening to this?
-I just want to play my 3DS
-Oh my goodness, seriously, what am I doing with my life
-I hate AP Biology with a burning passion
-There's a basketball next to my bed and I don't know how it got there
-I'm gonna go make myself an egg cream and eat some rum cake
-Ever had Konditor Meister cake? That stuff is good man.
-Dude, carrying your laptop down the stairs is not fun
-This album has some of the most idiotic artwork I've ever seen
-Bandwidth limits suck so bad, I'm trying to download stuff and I have to stop cause my sister has to file taxes
-Track 4 has a pretty nice beat... How am I only on track 4?
-What makes Based God so garbage? When I think about it, his beats are lo-fi but they aren't horrible, his lyrics are no stupider than many, slightly (and only slightly) more seriously taken artists like Chief Keef and Trinidad James and his flow ranges from piss-poor to middling but I've seen much worse.
-Yeah I've made it to track 7 and this is grating but it has yet to induce vomiting.
-Dude, why does he use so much dynamic compression? I NEVER give a shit about dynamic compression, I can listen to In The Aeroplane Over The Sea just fine, but here it actually kinda hurts your ears. Like, that's just ridiculous. Is this part of the joke? EVERYTHING IS PART OF THE JOKE.
-I haven't gotten my rum cake yet.
-"If you fuck with the best, you fuck with me" okay that line actually got me to laugh
-I expected more pain, but there is no pain. This review must be like reading a biography for Donny Osmond.
-How much is this guy worth? I wonder how much he's made from this foolish career.
-Other than the fact that I'm clearly not typing out everything I think of... I'm thinking real slow today.
-This guy is trying to do political rap with Black Skin and it sucks horribly.
-For some reason, New York Subway makes me think of Chance The Rapper if he had any semblance of talent sucked out his ass, and all the acid he was dropping turned out to be 25i.
-This dynamic overcompression is ASS.
-Like A Groupie is actually hilarious.
-I bet you that doing drugs to this album would end in disaster.
-And Robberversiary has me convinced that this is the funniest album ever.
-I am thoroughly convinced that Lil B has plenty of talent, because it does take talent to crap out thousands of horrible songs, but he wastes on crapping out thousands of horrible songs.
-I remember talking to a guy who went to high school with Lil B, when people still called him Brandon. Apparently he had braces for 5 years. Poor guy.
-My stomach hurts
-I honestly can tell if I'm tired of this guys shtick at this point (Bitch I'm Bill Clinton, track 22) or just plain tired, because I'm kinda annoyed by this album and want to take a nap, but it's also effing hilarious.
-I just wanna watch some Seinfeld at this point. So close to the end.
-Listening to music while using an electric toothbrush isn't usually enjoyable, but in this case it's keeping me awake
-Goddamnit my retainer has been split for two weeks I need to get that shit fixed
-How many people actually listen to this unironically? I had to say that out loud during the intro to Woo Woo Swag. Could not think of a better time to ask that shit.
-My face itches
-Last track! Holy crap, I made it. This thing is freaking movie length and it's all garbage.
-I wish I skipped a song. This ain't no classic... Or actually, well...
-MF DOOM is the GOAT. You're the most based of all time at best.

When the album finally concluded I ripped off my headphones and let out a soft "Agghhhh!". This album was hilarious at times, grating at others. I would complain that it was too long but that's kinda part of the joke. I can't write anything else.

Best Track: Robberversiary
Rating: 0/10 (I almost went with 10/10)
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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