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Old 12-31-2014, 01:42 PM   #912
Cold Kitten
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Default Re: jTWG LXX: Flash Squadron - Game thread

so since there's NO ONE POSTING, i took the time to reread the thread (jeez why do we all post so much d0) and i figure now is a good time for a reads list (since i'm actually home and have the time to do a well thought out one!!!!)

j-rodd - sadly, I don't have much to go on from you, just what you posted the last day, which while you did post a lot when you were here, it's still not as much as I'd like. now your thoughts and opinions on every seemed pretty human to me when i initially read them. you didn't jump to any crazy conclusions and you were willing to spell out your thoughts if someone asked you to. you also didn't hesitate to provide some new, original thoughts about the game and various people. this SCREAMS town to me because I feel that as a wolf, you wouldn't want to give out new opinions to put attention on yourself. granted, everyone plays differently, but you seem pretty town to me right now.

Ben - now I know that nobody liked my vote or thoughts on him because it seemed very 'bandwagon-y', which I'll admit at the time it kind of was. I was rushing trying to get something out (and I was also on my phone most of the day, so reading through tons of posts wasn't super easy) and I had similar thoughts about him that some other people did. voting for him probably wasn't the best move on my part, but it's what I thought was best at time (i'm super inexperienced, i'm sorry ;u; ). going back and looking though, been seems slightly green to me. I'm still unsure about him. yes, he responded well to votes on him and contributed more to the thread, but it all still seems fairly neutral to me and didn't seem to flow well with the rest of the posts. It's very a much a gut thing to not read him fully town for me, but I tend to trust my intuition, which right now, is telling me that ben is most LIKELY town but definitely has a chance of being red, hence the slight town lean instead of major town lean.

Red - I'm still reading red as a solid town lean. Most of it is probably meta, but he's also done nothing that seems 'wolfy' to me. He reacted the way I think he would react as a townie to votes and pressure being put on him. I don't really know what else to say about that. he's just a solid green for me right now.

dfr - same thing with the voting for him that people didn't like me doing last phase. I understand why people might not have liked it, but I legitimately thought he needed to contribute more because he was being far too neutral and not posting enough useful info (as much as you can d0). I honestly still feel that way. I think he needs to contribute more to give us a good reason not to think he's a wolf. Going back and looking, I feel like I probably shouldn't have defended his reasoning for being nervous when not a PR. That was a newbie mistake on my part. if anything, I feel as though he should want to most more as a VT because it's less problematic if he gets lynched or killed (I'm not saying it's good, but we definitely don't want a PR lynched or killed if we can help it). that said, he has a red lean from me for now.

yoshl - so yoshl stepped out of the gate being very aggressive and throwing votes around trying to get reactions out of people. that just seems so obviously town to me because it's testing the waters, trying to see what people are going to do when there's suspicions placed on people (me being one of them ahahah, I reacted badly and it was dumb). given that he's a vet player, this could very possibly be just a ploy to make everyone think he's town because I think he's good enough to do so, but I personally don't feel it's that. I think he's a pretty solid green for me right now as well.

mashi - i know mashi is also a vet player and might be just trying to step back and let everyone play without him pushing things around too much, but so many of his posts have been so neutral. I'm uncomfortable with it, but I wouldn't say he's a red lean for me right now. He has made some pointed posts, along with his 'let me help the newbies' posts. So I can't say he hasn't made ANY posts that didn't provide unique opinions or new information about people, but I just don't think he's made as many as he would. he's a slight town read for now, but that could quickly change depending on what else he says by eod.

fg - I originally thought you were lock-clear town, I believe. if I didn't, I should have because I did reading back through the thread again. I honestly still think you're pretty damn green, I just think your defending of soramimi and her playstyle was interesting. even if it's how she normally plays, I don't think defending inactivity is the way to go. if she's normally inactive, we should be encouraging her to post more, not continue with her normal playstyle by saying it's how she posts every game and she's human just about every game. that said, I still think you're green for now.

tiloco - I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt re-reading the thread, but I just couldn't do it. your reads are very transparent and don't seem to be very solid. you might be new to fourm twg, and I'm sure that could influence it having played live mafia plenty, but that just means you need to adapt to the playstyle of forum twg. when people ask you to flesh out your reads, you need to do so. it's also best to include EVERYONE in the game in your list rather than just the ones that stick out to you personally. having reads on every single player is very helpful to the town, and also beneficial to yourself as well. that said, you're a red lean for me for now. I disliked your reads and didn't think they were detailed enough. you were very wishy washy on some of your opinions on people. you tried so hard to push for yoshl because he seemed 'awkward' which was rather odd to me, because that was your only reason. yoshl was making some random votes and trying to push towards certain people and you had a pretty bad reaction to it imo. now you could very well be green and yoshl be red, or you could both be red and distancing yourselves from each other, but I have to go with you being red for now.

soramimi - you haven't really given me enough to go on to determine whether you're town or wolf. again, fg's defense of your playstyle was interesting to me. I don't want to say that automatically makes me think you're town, but given my read on her, I think it's certainly a possibility. very, very slight green read on you right now.

cry4 - ahhh cry. you who I currently have my vote on (and for now it's staying on). you were FAR too neutral last phase for my liking. when you did post in the thread, it wasn't much. you didn't seem to post any helpful information. I don't think we've seen you since the phase started (could be wrong, someone correct me if I am). you didn't take yoshl's vote on you seriously and it was because you claimed that he had voted so many times that you thought it was a joke. There was a certain point where yoshl's votes started to turn towards the serious end of things, and I feel like you should've been aware of that and been able to tell that it was serious rather than waiting until someone else decided to vote for you and THEN thinking it might be an issue. you also waited until someone else pointed it out. I can't tell if that was just trying to majorly fly UTR thinking maybed people would forget about yoshl's vote being on you in that moment, or just legitimate careless thinking about his vote. in either case, you're not looking too good for me right now. red lean for now, and my vote stays on you.
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