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Old 12-16-2014, 10:18 PM   #130
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Default Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Day 72: Triple Live Mother Goose at Budokan by Green Jelly (Album Choice: Sonicman68)

Tuesday, December 16 at 12:18 AM, I have officially relapsed. This totals 160 full days of no pornography. Fuck you Breaking Bad subreddit. Also, that was anti climactic as all living fuck. Wow. People who thought I couldn't do 30 days, I feel as if they're totally mad now, because that was as mundane as frying an egg. I don't feel crazy like "wow how did I ever do that" nor do I feel "oh my god I just broke my purity bonds!". What I feel is incomplete. Incomplete because that's the state of my homework.

So yeah, I wrote that yesterday and it says pretty much everything I have to say. My only addendum is that I don't regret a single one of those 130 days extra, and definitely feel like something in my life has changed from such a small step. What it is? I don't know. Probably my ego.

Okay, this album, these guys are comedy punk. I'm not sure how optimistic to be about this one but I'm not writing too much so let's go.

Well great, we had the clown song as an intro to some bizarre cow worship metal, and now we're moving onto some demented demolition of the Sesame Street theme. These guys are just killing my childhood. I don't wanna hear Bert get tortured man.

Okay, this is seriously the stupidest album I've listened to thus far. I don't mean that in a derogatory manner, as it's not the worst. No, not at all. How could this ever be compared to Nickelback? Before I talk about quality, let me talk about intelligence. The entire album uses a corny "big arena" metal guitar tone with loads of hilarious pick scratches and weird tap solos, and the drumbeats aren't so much stupid as fairly run-of-the-mill, but those lyrics. Holy crap, those lyrics. Sometimes these guys are surrealist like a mediocre episode of Aqua Teen (Obey The New God, Eat Satan's Ham) while other times they destroy childhood memories with as little intelligence as possible (Nightmare on Sesame Street, Three Little Pigs). Besides that, we have joke-y songs with incredibly "minimalistic" lyrics like Whip Me Teenage Babe, we have the crappy Sex Pistols semi-cover Anarchy in Bedrock, which is funny because Sex Pistols already suck, and we have a few instrumentals that nobody will ever care about. As for the vocal delivery, the best way I could put this is "fat, sweaty Henry Rollins delivering horrible jokes". This is really the dumbest album I've listened to yet, and I'm not even trying to be condescending. Musically, these guys aren't impressive or interesting in the least. They're pretty average. Now THAT was condescending.

I just saw that these guys apparently once toured with Psychostick. I don't really care about Psychostick, thus my opinion of this band remains stagnant.

To conclude concisely, because I want to listen to another album, this album was pretty meh. Nothing spectacular musically, and nothing really hilarious either.

Best Track: Nah.
Rating: 4.5/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

Hey, we need some users on this site. Please join.

And if you have not recommended any albums yet, do so. Please. I have a goal to reach. Here.
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