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Old 11-30-2014, 02:10 AM   #11
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Default Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Day 67: The New Classic by Iggy Azalea (Album Choice: Sheri C.)

It's 2:30 in the morning, and I have no urge to sleep. I may as well take advantage of this pseudo-insomnia, listen to an album and earn some money online. Will I regret this in the morning? Yes. Do I care right now? No.

So, what do I know about this artist? She's white, Australian I think, and she raps. She once took a picture with Macklemore and captioned it "the king and queen of rap" which everyone laughed at because, duh, they're Caucasian. I think she does trap, which makes it ever so much funnier. I should remember one song by this girl but I really can't. Oh yeah, and recently, I believe she made some sort of inflammatory comments, either racist or homophobic. Either way, it's abhorrent, but not abhorrent enough to be funny.

You know, I'm loath to say this in fear that it'll be misconstrued as sexist, but I have never, EVER enjoyed a song, to my memory, performed by a female rapper. In all fairness, I have never listened to The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, but that's only one album. Surely there must be another woman out there who's rapping appeals to me.

Right when Fancy played, which is track 5 for the record, I immediately went "Oh yeah! I remember who this is!" as if I had some sort of giant revelation. This just proves that I am completely inept when tired, my memory is horrid when it comes to memorizing artists I don't care about, and this music is totally disposable. I mean come on, I didn't even remember who I was listening to until that track came on. And that's not totally fatigue-induced. Anyways, to quote one of my favorite shows (especially at this hour)

"Is there anything more funny than somebody just drastically white trying to speak colloquial hood?" - George Lowe as Space Ghost

I mean seriously, to be fair, her flow is not totally tragic, her rhymes are run-of-the-mill at best but not totally tragic, her beats are not totally tragic as far as pop/trap rap goes, but seriously, this stuff lies somewhere between inoffensive and laughable. And it pretty much all lies in her voice, which can be quite accurately described as "Caucasian Australian woman tries to pretend she's from the hood with a faux-Southern accent, to nobody's foolishness and many's amusement". Oh yeah, I also know the song Black Widow like everyone else in America... Man how did I forget who those songs were by? I'm inclined to blame sleepiness but I also feel like that's just natural stupidity shining.

This album ended on a pretty abrupt note, which makes me think this really was meant to follow the classic format of "3-4 singles and a bunch of filler". Regardless, that was totally disposable. There is nothing worthwhile I can write.

Best Track: Screw You
Rating: 3/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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