Thread: SARMs
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Old 10-21-2014, 12:13 AM   #2
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Default Re: SARMs

Originally Posted by Arch0wl View Post
SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) are a new and interesting class of pro-androgen that on top of being currently legal can be used for a variety of things that traditional steroids do not. For example, cardarine is used to boost cardiovascular endurance, which to my knowledge no steroid does. Typically they come in pill form or in some kind of bottle with liquid.

At the moment they're being investigated for use in treating muscle wasting. I know for a fact ostarine has been looked into for this, anyway. Also unlike testosterone, where women experience virilization at even low doses, women can take some SARMs with no virilizing side effects.

Has anyone other than me looked into these?
The only juice I know that has been used for endurance training is Equipoise, which is a very expensive nasty steroid in which the side effects counter the positive results, and why it isn't used often. Back in the 70s and 80s a few 1500m runners popped for winny, which is another naster steroid.

On to the SARM discussion, my old work stocked DNA's SARM. And it flew off the shelves when it first came out. However I haven't seen anyone get extraordinary results.

---I don't know where I read this but i remember reading somewhere, probably T-nation---
SARM was studied back in the late 80s by DR. who give a fuck, and he lost funding... But Dr.idgaf wrote numerous journals on it and the questionable supplement companies found out about it, and all figured it was worth to bottle it and sell it.

Anyways there is definately something there in this supplement
"Selective androgen receptor modulators may be used by athletes to assist in training and increase physical stamina and fitness, potentially producing effects similar to anabolic steroids. For this reason, SARMs were banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency in January 2008 despite no drugs from this class yet being in clinical use, and blood tests for all known SARMs have been developed."

If there wasn't some sort of unfair edge with it the ADA wouldn't have banned it.
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