Thread: win 8.1 sucks
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Old 09-12-2014, 12:22 AM   #22
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Default Re: win 8.1 sucks

Originally Posted by Izzy View Post
So once you disable that new UI then what is the problem?
Maybe we're looking at this in two different ways. Tweaking Windows 8 to run like Windows 7/Windows XP takes online tutorials, time, and effort. A large reason that people even know what "Metro" means is because there are so many articles online that tell you how unwieldy it is.

For users, especially when it comes to the average user (trust me, you and I are both not average users), Windows 8 is a step backwards. A bunch of things are "broken." You can get Windows 8 to boot straight to desktop, but this involves know-how. You can get files to open in desktop applications and not Metro, but this involves know-how. You can get the start menu back (which has quite literally been a major defining feature of Windows since Windows '95). but this involves know-how, and some money. You can remove bloatware, but this is far harder than it is on Windows 7 and involves know-how. You can have multiple windowed Metro apps running on the desktop, but this involves third-party applications (which means it's not truly native). Getting Windows 8 to look and feel like an operating system that has dominated the market for over 20 years, takes time, effort, third-party applications, and extra money. This is not indicative of a good operating system, and this isn't even my opinion. There are hundreds, if not thousands of articles online about why Windows 8 is a step in the wrong direction, and there is a very vocal community that is sticking with Windows 7, because even though Windows 8 handles resources better than Windows 7 (YMMV), Windows 7 is better than Windows 7.

You don't change a tried-and-true formula after 20 years.

Last edited by choof; 09-12-2014 at 12:23 AM..
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