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Old 08-25-2014, 08:58 PM   #698
James May
FFR Player
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Default Re: Keyboardsmash Phase I: Legacy Submissions Open

Originally Posted by bmah View Post
I object to this kind of review.
Firstly, there really is no detail on "lol that 32nd wall". The fact that said stepper added those in means that he/she to at least some degree found legitimacy in those steps. So as obvious as it may sound, briefly describe why said 32nds won't work.
And secondly, it's really unprofessional to call said song choice as "rubbish". This is better reinstated as a song that doesn't offer a lot of interesting steps due to repetitiveness, lack of 16ths, and so on. Keep your personal thoughts on the song aside, as it's the song's structure that should be a reason for rejection, not your personal opinion of the song (I hope not!).
To be fair, I was rejecting it on the structure of the song and my qualms on Danger Danger was similar to the other judges so I really couldn't add on anything else so I inputted my own personal thoughts on it. Now, when I mean "lol that 32nd wall," I meant that the way it was patterned was to be honest aidsy at the length of it. If the file hadn't already been judged I would have given a much more in depth review on it. But I didn't reject the song on personal taste but more on the integrity of the song and how he handled the file.

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