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Old 07-20-2014, 02:11 PM   #61
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Default Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Day 25: イリヤ -Il y a- by Mutyumu (Album Choice: Trogdor!!!)

This album is a cross between post-rock and symphonic metal. Post-rock is good when it isn't boring. Symphonic metal is usually cheesy. I'm more excited for Boris than this album so I'm doing this first. Also, the album cover features lesbian kissing. Meh.

Day 11 of the pledge: Still camping. Yes I wrote this yesterday.

So... This is certainly an interesting mix. What started off as run-of-the-mill symphonic metal certainly became more interesting with track 3, L'œil est Dieu, with the combination of operatic vocals and raspy growls. Track 4, Toi et Moi is beautifully schizophrenic and is the most post-rock esque track with its gloriously offbeat rhythms (yes, that's the most post-rock it seems to get. Where are the crashing crescendos and smooth textures?) Track 5 (unwriteable Japanese bullshit) is like a less compelling mix of the last two tracks okay enough of the track by track.

So, the first 4 tracks all seem pretty good, then slowly the album seems to deteriorate bar the last two tracks which

A. Turn the Post-Rock aspects up to maximum
B. Close the album very nicely.

So, two problems I mainly have with this album. One, the sound is a but cluttered. I appreciate the new ideas they have but at times the album became a total mess, and the piano oversteps everything half of the time. I should note that despite all that clutter, the orchestration somehow rarely seems TOO cheesy. That's a plus. Two, I honestly can't tell if this album is front loaded as hell or just becomes tiresome after a while. They kinda stretch the ideas they have for a bit too long, which is disappointing as the concept had great potential that was used to its best effect in only a few tracks. Not the worst album at all, but one I actually had higher hopes for. I can't say that for Bieber or anything.

Best Track: Prayer
Rating: 5/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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