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Old 07-1-2014, 12:57 PM   #31
behanjc & me are <3'ers
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Default Re: What is arrogance/humility, what is bragging, is it bad, and why?

Assuming we're going a bit off-topic, talking about superiority like you described and not necessarily about arrogance anymore:

There are some things in this world that are so general and vague that I don't think you can analyze them, but interestingly can still say something meaningful. This is because while you may not be able to compare two things that are close to each other, you can still see large differences. (Example: You may not always be able to tell if something is a fruit, but if you were given something obvious like a piano or a hammer you can still confidently say it's not a fruit.)

But that's just one way of looking at it. An even more important point, I think, is the fact that "general superiority" is a meaningless concept in itself, as it is not demonstrable or indicative of anything.

"So what if he's superior to me? Does that mean he's better than me at something? Do more people like him?"

If you can even answer the "so what?" question, then you've just explained the context in which he is superior, as well as the particular "subjective hierarchy" you just mentioned. This is no longer "general superiority" in the general sense you're thinking of, as everyone who is now being compared to that person will be compared with that particular hierarchy that was just explained.

There are also different contexts for the two statements "duh some people are obviously better" and "no one is better than anyone else".
"Duh some people are obviously better" is talking about how everyone approaches things in their own way, and since everyone's approaches are unique, then they cannot be totally equivalent in terms of being better than another approach.
"No one is better than anyone else" is more talking about a human's moral worth. This is no longer talking about skills or intelligence or anything of that kind, but a more ideal representation of how people should treat and think of each other.
These are two completely different things. One has to do with more social issues, while the other is in fact demonstrable and inherently true in many ways.

ps this puts you in tier 3 XD
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