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Old 06-15-2014, 01:11 PM   #1
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Default Yolomania 3 Graphics Help Please!

Hey guys, so Yolomania 3 got really big and I really really need some help with Graphics this time around. I will be starting to pump out graphics soon but I currently need a lot of sets, and that number is going to get larger and larger. In the past I've always done my own graphics but this time I would really like some help.

Current graphics: GRAPHICS ARE DONE THANK YOU!!!!
Current # of sets done: 114
Curent # of sets remaining: 0

For people with files in the pack - if your graphics aren't on the page then your graphics got rejected. The only outlier case where it was an issue was Odd22 got graphics rejected only for being low resolution, any other sets that got rejected were because of quality or readability.

Graphics Requirements:
1. Must be exactly 512x160 for the banner, and at least 800x600 for background.
2. The song title and artist should be in the banner, as well as any relevant information I pointed out on my graphics page. Please check the page before doing any graphics. Its much easier for me to sort everything there as opposed to this archaic forum system. At the very least the song title is required, the others don't necessarily have to be there.
3. I will be judging every set made and rejecting any I don't like. I check this forum often and will provide feedback ASAP.
4. Please post any sets you make in this thread directly, don't PM them to me or send them via email
5. Try and avoid uploading to imgur. Imgur messes with jpeg compression and makes images look like poop, mainly will happen with bgs.

The pack is going to be released on Friday, July 25th (2014). This means I must be completely done with graphics by the 23rd at the VERY latest.

Finally, I wish I had something to offer like FFR credits or whatever, but sadly I have no such thing to offer. The best I can give is my heartfelt gratitude for your hard work.

Personally I'm gonna try and make a set of graphics every single day until they're all done. If we're still moving kinda slow towards the end I'll have to pick my game up but I'm really hoping I can get a little help. Thank you so so so much to anyone who offers their graphical talent!

Last edited by Wafles; 07-24-2014 at 09:33 PM..
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